aw 6“;\\r ‘id STONEWALL 25 International March on the United M Nations to Affirm the Human Rights gee §\0\ ‘W of Lesbian and Gay" People *3-73,4 JUNE 26, 1994 ‘*3 Join lexbian. gay and bisexual right: supporter: from acran the counnyfor action: the weekend of June 24-26 in carnmemoruliuu of (he police raid on the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village —- and (I1. pretext riot: that xent the signal for me xrart of {he current lesbian and gay right: movement. Dance Friday night. Attend event: on Saturday‘ And certainly join an expected million people on Sunday fl the culminating march and rally. STONEWALL IUNE 20 I!!! All the arrangements have already been made for gnu. Leave Vermont, Thurs. PM, -June " ' Amtrak. Arrive at Penn Staxion in -k, New Jars-:--_i (right across from (he Hilton F atew-iq Hotel) on Fl‘l., 8 AM, June 2Slh. Spend daus and three nights at the Gateway Hilton. -1- the Path Tram (also 10'0" the slree!) M to Gr-2-:-r.w\~:.r. ‘-/ills»: and the Stonewall |nn r-_; r. rmnq. ll gvyli can‘! take Amtrak, Vermont Stonewall/25 a-_4. I-lake ' I up and leave . *un-jag. HF"?/9 Vermont . 25: .nd from Newark And lhroe niqhis at the Include roundirip Amirak fare to mitevaq AM rig? STONEWALL i*.']© Want VG)!!! F@ &)©flm U530 IUNE 20 I994 9 0"“ ' %\V \ gums ~ $1-3-S mpi._:s22s Dauhle: ‘Z75 uc \ c F.‘o-Arr-ral-as um‘ Amirak also available Q?‘ ('1 ‘ ° 2) 439-6453 for more info §,«3.11.;..- -.r as-33‘ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TD: stonugeii/25 /.3 mam-s I/qB$R_E;;I:T;g! mm mp/$