May 1994 STATE OF VERMONT EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS,‘ the Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes that the inherent; dignity and equal and inalienable rights of all people is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace; and WHEREAS, whereas the Stonewall Rebellion of June 1969 is considered the birth of the modern gay and lesbian rights movement; and WHEREAS, despite the progress in the past 25 years, gay, lesbian, bisexual, drag and transgender people are still bashed, tortured, outlawed, murdered, and are the subject of referenda around the globe; and WHEREAS, lack of leadership in the fight against AIDS is still killing people world-wide; and WHEREAS, June marks the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion with a global celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, drag and transgender pride and protest; and WHEREAS, the centerpiece of that anniversary is an International March on the United Nations to affirm the human rights of lesbian and gay people; and WHEREAS, out commemoration of these events underscores our determination to support, preserve and advance the civil rights guaranteed for all. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Howard Dean, Governor, do hereby proclaim June 1994 as the month of STONEWALL 25 in Vermont. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Vermont this /;7.’’/ day of April, A.D. 1994. 7€/flag. Howard Dean, M.D. ' Governor By the Governor: *WT-lb-—-* 9- ‘f'iu~.8'“ Kathleen C. Hoyt Q Secretary of Civil and Military Affairs