W R I T E Y O U R ’ V « Dear Auntie Pearl: I want to know if other lesbians experience this frustration. Whenever my lover and I have oral sex, one or both of us comes down with a yeast infection soon after. Then we have to wait the inevitable 7 days while the medicine takes effect before we can enjoy each other again. Is there a secret we don’t know about? Or is this a sign that we’re incompatible? Itching To Know Dear Itching To Know: Yes, you’re incompatible — with your treatment plan. Auntie suspects that one or both of you is carrying the infection orally. It's called thrush, and it may not display symptoms. This unamusingly little trick of nature leads one to think it’s safe to dive back in just when conditions are ripe for reinfection. Your solution? Put your money where your mouth is before you put your —-———-‘ I Name sweetie there. Treat the partner with symptoms and her lover who is able to sit still. And while you're waiting to have sex, use that pent-up energy on a spring cleaning. Your infection can be transmitted via toilet seats, shared sex toys, towels, clothing and bedding. Use condoms on your sex toys. After you control your symptoms, find the causes. Too much sugar or alcohol, stress, tight or non-cotton underwear, vaginal deodorants, frequent douching, certain medications, perfumed toilet paper and scented laundry products can_ trigger an infection. Products used by a woman or her partner can be a cause: perfumes, scented soaps and lotions. Include sources of acidophilus - such as yogurt — in your diet. Treat your prized parts well, and they will return the favor. Now go tell your doctor what your Auntie Pearl suspects. Dear Auntie Pearl: Please end an etiquette debate between me and my lover. Our good friend Ed is the sperm donor for an out—of—town lesbian couple he knows. Ed just told us that one of the women is definitely pregnant. My lover says we should throw Ed a shower, because the women wouldn’t be parents without Ed. I said that’s ridiculous, because Ed isn’t raising the kid. We decided this is a job for Auntie Pearl. Your wisdom," please! Your Loving Nephew Lawrence Dear Lawrence: Before Auntie gives her answer, she must pause to address your lover’s revolutionary biological discovery that “the women wouldn’t be parents without Ed”. Auntie strongly Out in the Mountains VERMONT'S NEWSPAPER FOFl LESBIANS, GAY MEN, AND BISEXUALS _ y subscning now to OITM, not ony will you guarantee : mailbox (in a discreet envelope, of course), but you will also help under- : write the rising costs of publishing the newspaper. We also welcome any n additional contributions you can make to support our continuing existence. I Checks should be made payable to OITM and sent, along with this form, to: E OITM, P.O. Box 177, Burlington, Vermont 05402-0177. e Ivery to your E Address E City El One-year ($20) El Low-income ($10) Cl Sponsor ($____j Sponsors are especially welcome from those who prefer to pick up 01 M at one of the paper's distribution points rather than be added to the mailing list. E El Please also let us know if you'd like to get involved in the newspaper. 4/94 State Zip 15 April 1994 suspects that Ed - while no—doubt a stellar fellow — is not the only person of the species capable of donating sperm. Let’s not confuse the miracle of creation with Ed’s generous participation in it. Now to your question: Auntie’s answer depends on the agreement Ed has with the parents—to—be. If the mothers have a hands—off policy, simply give Ed a small gift, flowers, or dinner. But if Ed expects to be involved in the child’s life, a shower would be a lovely way for his friends to help the mothers out with gifts and money. Write Your Auntie Pearl appears in publications nationwide. questions or comments to: Auntie Pearl PO Box 4156 Burlington VT 05406. Forconfidenfial AIDS Information Call Send your _ Q-800-882-AIDSJ