Out in the Mountains G/L/B Vets First National Group To Affirm Transgender Rights SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, 12 Feb- ruary, 1994. Delegates to the 1994 Na- tional Convention of Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Veterans of America in San Antonio, took a historic step this past week, amending their National Constitu- tion and By-Laws to include recognition of the rights and concerns of trans- gendered Americans. Delegations from GLBVA chapters around the nation vot- ed unanimously to include the terms transgender and gender identity throughout the text of their basic or- ganizational documents, making GLBVA the first national organization to do so on a formal basis. Where to I-‘Ind OITM Barre Pen Dragon Bennington Bennington Free Library Bennington College Bennington Library Record Rack , Southern Vermont College Brattleboro Brattleboro Food Coop Common Ground Everyone's Books Burlington Burlington College Chassman & Bern Fletcher Free Library Onion River Co—op Partners in Recovery & Growth Peace & Justice Center Pearls Planned Parenthood Castleton STEP Learning Center Chester Misty Valley Books Chester Craftsbury Craftsbury Public Library Gene Barfield, President of GLBVA’s Vermont State Chapter and a leader in the debate to adopt the measure, said “This debate preoccupied our delegates for much of the three-day convention, and some heated exchanges occurred. Our people demonstrated the complete range of issue awareness, from immedi- ate understanding of transgender con- cerns, to never having been openly ex- posed to the basic concerns — and even the identities — of transgendered Amer- icans. We haggled over inclusive lan- guage, changing the name of GLBVA, everything. In the end, we left our con- vention fiercely proud to have dealt with an issue that has existed for a long time, but which has never been given the consideration it deserves.” While the text of GLBVA’s national constitution was amended at the 1994 National Convention, decisions on re- naming the organization were deferred for consideration at the 1995 National Convention, which has not yet been scheduled. Tere Frederickson, a transgender ac- tivist from San Antonio, who is also an Armed Forces veteran, spoke pas- sionately and eloquently in favor if in- clusiveness, according to Barfield. “She made reference to something a Center Rutland . Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Connection East Hardwick Greenhope Farm Fair Haven Fair Haven Free Library Hardwick Buffalo Mountain Coop Galaxy Books Lyndonville ' Jon's Automotive Project EXCEL, Lyndon State College Manchester Center Northshire Bookstore Middlebury Middlebury Natural Food Coop Montpelier Bear Pond Books Horn of the Moon Cafe Rivendell Books Woman Centered Morrisville Morristown Centennial Library Newfane Moore Free Library Northfield Brown Public Library number of us knew intuitively, but had long failed to acknowledge — that trans- gendered Americans have served and are now serving in the military in num- bers roughly equal to those of us who identify ourselves as lesbian, bisexual or gay. Their rights are the same as all other people have, and their issues are our issues, those being a person’s in- herent, fundamental and irrevocable right to define the terms of their own identity.” The debate over transgender inclusion, in the Preamble, Statement of Purpose and Mission Objectives for the newly- reorganized National GLBVA, dom- inated the three—day event. The gath- ering also included a constitutional overhaul for GLBVA, discussion of long and short-term goals for the Unit- ed States’ first national g/l/b/t vets group, and elections of national of- ficers. Nancy A. Russell of Texas, a re- tired Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Army, was elected National President by acclama— tion. (GLBVA continues to be the only national mixed-gender veterans or- ganization that has ever been headed by a woman.) Barfield, who previously held the positions of National Secretary and Acting National President, was re- turned to the National Secretariat, also by unanimous vote of the delegates. V Norwich Social Alternatives for Gay Men Plainfield Woman's Study Program Putney Putney Library Randolph Kimball Public Library Rutland PFLAG Rutland Free Library United Methodist Churh Grace Cong. United Church of Christ St. Johnsbury LUNA/NEVGALR c/o Umbrella Natural Provisions Regional Library St. Johnsbuiy Athenaeum Stowe Food for Thought Waterbury Video Exchange White River J uncfion WRJ Books Upper Valley Coop Williamstown, MA Wild Oats Co—op Or by Subscription mailed right to your door! 14