Out in the Mountains Camp Sister Spirit Update The following is the text of the letter sent by Attorney General Janet Reno in response to the harrassment of lesbians in Ovett Misissippi, reported in last month ’s OITM. This is the first time the Justice Department has mediated in a gay-related dispute. February 17, 1994 Peri Jude Radecic Executive Director National Gay and Lesbian Task Force 1734 14th St. NW Washington DC 20009 Dear Ms. Radecic. Thank you for your December 7, 1993 letter concerning the situation in Overt, Mississippi. As are you, I am deeply troubled by the harassment and in- Hardwick Chiropractic Dr. Grace Johnstone An integrated approach to health care. 1 Mill S’r.. Hardwick 472-3033 100 Acres 0 Pool Hot Tub 0 Trails Tfi ‘H1 (605) 869-3978 20 Charming Rooms Peace & Privacy elandg ‘Inn Bethlehem, NH 03374 A LESBIAN PARADISE timidation of Brenda and Wanda Hen- son, the lesbian owners of Camp Sister Spirit. The intolerance and bigotry dem- onstrated by some of the people of Ovett has no place in this country. I have carefully consideredtyour requests on behalf of the Hensons for assistance from the Department of Justice. As you are aware, Department officials met with representatives of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) on Jan- uary 12 to talk about the Department's ability to respond.to the situation in Ovett. As was discussed at the January 12 meet- ing, federal jurisdiction is currently re- stricted by statute. At this time, sexual or- ientation is not a protected status under the federal civil rights law. Accordingly, we are unable to assist the Hensons through the enforcement of existing fed- eral criminal civil rights laws concerning housing or federally—protected activities. However, we recently learned from an NGLTF staff member that some federal criminal laws may have been violated through use of the federal postal system. The NGLTF staff member reported that an envelope addressed to the Hensons containing a threatening letter was post- marked January 9, 1994 and mailed from Gulfport, Mississippi. Based on this de- velopment, the Federal Bureau of In- vestigation has been asked to conduct an investigation into this matter. If the ev- idence shows that there was a violation of federal criminal statutes, appropriate action will be taken. In addition to initiating the FBI in- vestigation, I have signed a tasking order pursuant to my authority under 28 U.S.C. §§509—510 asking the Community Re- lations Service (CRS) to intervene in the matter and to help mediate the dispute. While CRS is statutorily limited to assist only in conflicts arising from race, color and national origin issues, I consider the threat of violence in Ovett to be real and believe CRS’s involvement is both ap- propriate and necessary to restore calm to the community. Finally, I have asked my staff to schedule your requested meeting. Since the Overt case is a pending criminal investigation, it would be inappropriate for me to dis- cuss the specifics » of the case at this time. However, I look forward to the op- portunity to talk with you about the gen- eral issues that the situation highlights. I intend to keep fully apprised of the sit- uation and ask that you continue to pro- vide information to the Department. Thank you again for sharing your con- cerns with me. Together we can and will fight the discrimination faced by the Hensons and others like them. Sincerely, Janet Reno DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY TO THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS SER- VICE ORDER NO. 1 850-94 By virtue of the authority vested in me as Attorney General of the United States, in- cluding 28 U.S.C. §§ 509 and 510, I here- by authorize the Community Relations Service to intervene in the matter arising from the establishment of Camp Sister Spirit in Overt, Mississippi. The Com- munity Relations Service shall provide conciliation and technical assistance to the community and the persons therein. V ARANOFF .‘\"I"'I‘$R]<'EYS AT LAVV UPSON SERVING THE NEEDSOF THE LESBIAN AND GAY COMMUNITY V Susan L. Aranoff Lisa A. Upson 28 MAIN STREET, MONTPELIER, VERMONT 05602 802.223.1418