March 1994 UIJIKES l0 llldltll fllll For By Alison Bechdel Mo, IT'S BELOW 1£Iza!\./MT -" same >'au1HE;€L£DGekr ; mm 1+4: BooK51'oI?£. gy- oor! >bu sown LIKE My cmnomcvok. sue says 1 NEED“b EXERCISE. Lu(E, rm ,2 _ . \‘.‘C .‘ wt->2 . . 7 . ' WI!!! .:. II‘ ' ‘$1.; 1.. /"2 ' ”" \»¢’%> . _‘\\\} 7 or coungs I snu LOVE .. mu! wrrnensm o1HEK ‘ mules H MyuF£ Bésma ms mmousmrl «.-'-' 6 IN GER. M7 mom IS FREEZING ! cu I Bomow youxswe mm? on. AND M50 you "CMPLETE . HISToRy or FUNK" cu/5 P ’ MALIKA, I'M SoRli)'.’ 1' KMM you CAN'T AFFORD T0 co, ANDI Nla IT /«Ems WE wait SEE EAO1 . oruex ‘nu. APRIL. sun. \\ ¢.1\\\,\. M nnn!""::" ‘ I Auolnovi!’ OH. [W1 GNE ME THAT NOBLE MTIVIST , HAND 61120; °°oyg_; RAP. >ou'R& Gowmrrug NATIMAL BLACK WM» Lassa»: conrnzalcg M51540 or comma our HERE eaawe Youkc scmsb oreerrmc clA§£‘mME.' ' " mLn