Out in the Mountains National/International News St. Pat's Parade May be Cancelled Boston, MA—John Hurley, president of the South Boston Allied War Vetrans Coun- cil, which has sponsoired Boston’s Saint Patrick’s Day Parade for the past 47 years, said that the group will “reluctantly but certainly” cancel the parade if court orders stand requiring that gays and lesbians be allowed to march. “The traditional family values which have been the hallmark of our community and parade are worth fighting for,” Hurley said. Suffolk Superior Court Judge J. Harold Flannery permanently barred the veterans from excluding the gay marchers in a De- cember 15, 1993 ruling. “History does not record that St. Patrick limited his ministry to heterosexuals, or that General Washington’s soldiers were all straight”, Flannery said in his ruling. The Irish- \Il-.\IBHt Prudential Referral _S._eMQe\Sf... |\ll7R\\l|l)\—\l \ll\\IlRk Edward J. Kaufman Broker/REALTOR Voice Mail (802) 864-1905 ext. 35 (802) 864-0541 FAX (802) 864-1910 360 Main Street. Burlington. Vermont 05401 American Gay Lesbian and Bisexual Group marched under court order and heavy police protection in both 1992 and 1993. (Equal Time) American Airlines Settles Chicago, IL — One day before his death of complications related to AIDS, Amer- ican Airlines settled the suit brought by passenger Timothy Holless. Holless was arrested November 14 after refusing to leave an American plane bound for San Francisco. Airline employees noticed an IV drip bag and some lesions on his face and told Holless he could not fly on the plane. ADDS Legal Council of Chicago and Lambda Legal Defense Fund worked with Holless on the case. As part of the settlement, the full terms of which are confidential, American sat- isfied Holless’ concerns regarding train- ing of gate agents and flight attendants to the needs of passengers with dis- abilities. American said it will work with the National Association of People with AIDS and the National Leadership Co- alition on AIDS in developing the train- ing. (Outlines) NYT Refuses to Print Announcements New York, NY - In a recent statement, William Borders, News Editor of The New York Times said “In this area, as in general, The Times seeks simply to re- fleet the society, not to dictate to it. We can’t say for sure what it would take to demonstrate that society is giving do- mestic partnerships the same standing as marriages, but we are alert to the ac- cumulation of evidence, and we think we’ll recognize the moment should it ar- rive.” Not only does The Times refuse to print announcements of lesbian and gay weddings, in an announcement of a straight marriage, they refused to list both parents of one of the people. The man, whose mother is lesbian and who was raised by his mother and her partner, wanted to include his mother's partner, since she has been a parent to him since he was a year old. However, The Times insisted in only printing his biological mothe’s name in the announcement. (GLAAD Media Briefs, The Boston Globe) Gay Man re-elected to Canadian Par- liament Ottawa, CN — Openly gay member of Par- liament, Svend Robinson won his bid for re—election to the Canadian House of Commons. Lesbian candidates Betty Bax- ter of Vancouver and Cindy Moriarty of Ottawa lost their bids for House seats in the October elections.( Outlines) Weld Signs Anti-Discrimination Bill Boston, MA — Governor William Weld signed a bill making Massachusetts the first state to ban discrimination against lesbians and gays in public schools. While Governor Weld has been a staunch supporter of the bill, it had twice failed to pass the State Senate. What made a differ- ence this time was an extraordinary lob- bying effort by students themselves. Hun- dreds of gay and straight students wrote letters to their legislators, staged rallies, and candlelight vigils at the Statehouse and met personally with all 40 Senators or their aides. The bill is designed to affirm the rights of openly gay students providing them with a supportive environment, giving them the right to form clubs, take a date to school dances and express themselves without fear of hostility or mistreatment. (New York Times, Outlines) United Way Withdraws Funding New Haven, CT — The United Way of New Haven has revoked its $70,000 an- nual contribution to the Boy Scouts fol- SUSAN M. MURRAY LANGROCK SPERRY &. VVOOL ATTORNEYS AT LAW I 5 SOUTH PLEASANT STREET MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT 05753 AREA CODE: 802 TELEPHONE: 386-6356 HOME PHONE: 877-3165 FAX #: 338-6149 BURLINGTON OFFICE: 275 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05402 602-884-0217 WQMEN’c$?CHOlCE GYNECOLOGIC ASSOCIATES 23 Mansfield Avenue, Burlington. Vermont 05401 802-863-9001 Fax: 802-863-4951 Cheryl A. Gibson M.D. Susan F. Smith M.D.