Out in the Mountains \ll:.\lBER Prudential Referral Services“ l\‘l‘FR\\lll)\\I \|T\\nRx Edward J. Kaufman Broker/REALTOR Voice Mail (802) 864-1905 ext. 35 (802) 864-0541 FAX (802) 864-1910 360 Main Street. Burlington. Vermont 05401 Creating Crowds Continued from page 1 Keith Goslant were recognized for their years of service and promptly re-elected to another term. Also elected were co- chairs Bill Lippert of Hinesburg and Su- san Aranoff of Randolph. A motion to wave elections ' and appoint the entire slate candidates for regional reps and at- large members was approved. Members are Mary Hurlie, Peggy Luhrs, Oak La- Galbo, Susan Murray, Lynn Goyette, D. Dudley, Laurie Levinger, Laurie La- barthe, Terje Anderson, Howdy Russell, Chris Wesslowski, Carey Johnson, Gene Barfield, Chris Monahan. For in- formation on upcoming coming coalitions plans and events, Contact them at the ad- dress on resource page.V “Ask how to save on car insurance?’ If you bring your home and car Insurance to Allstate,you could receive attractive saving on your Allstate car Insurance policy.Just give me a call about the Allstate Multi-Line Discount. It could really give you a lift Call Ellen Hetherington - 863-3808 H18 Allstate‘ Yovfnaingoodhands General Carpentry _. Melinda Scott Natalie Grant V RR1, Box 2562, (802)434-5262 Woodweaver Construction Residential Remodeling Fully Insured - Free Estimates j Huntington, VT 05462 State Worker’s Continued from page 1 UVM’s decision not to appeal the VLRB’s June ruling requiring them to cover same-sex partners clearly encour- aged VSEA. Just weeks after the de- cision, Union Director Thomas Whitney wrote to Personnel Commissioner Thomas Torti saying, “the State and VSEA have a mutual obligation to see to it that the State’s insurance plans pro- vide benefits similar to those ordered in the UVM case...” Later, Whitney wrote, “...it is not our intent to defer the issue to the next round of bargaining as we believe you have a legal obligation to provide benefits now.” Even so; Gov- ernor Howard Dean is urging the union to “put domestic partner benefits on the table” in the ongoing contract nego- tiations. Dean says he supports benefits, but only if coverage extends to hetero- sexual partners as well. “It irks me,” said Dean, “that benefits can only be gained by getting married.” Whether benefits will be “on the table”, and what exactly that means, is still un- certain, according to Jansen. “We’ve been waiting to study the draft from the Governor’s Health Care Authority be- fore making any decisions.” He declined to speculate whether the union would move to include all partners of state workers, regardless of sex. The state contract expires next June. “At this point, we are not close to agreement on anything,” said Jansen adding, “even if we do reach agreement (on domestic partner benefits), we still have to nego- tiate implementation.” V THE WOMEN’S THERAPY CENTER We are committed to joining the principles of feminism with the professional practice of psychotherapy - Insurance Accepted, Sliding Fees - Supervision & Consultation - Individual, Couple, Group Therapy - Gay & Lesbian Affirmative MARJORIE L. ROBLIN, ACSW, CSW ELLEN KIRSCHNER, MSW, CSW SUSAN MCKENZINE, MS LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST — MASTERS 865-9515 2 CHURCH ST. BURLINGTON 16