Out in the Mountains GLAD Report Sonys Out The Sony Corporation of America will be the next major advertiser to buy space in Out magazine (Apple recently bought a two—page spread to promote the com- pany's Powerbook computer). Sony will begin advertising in the Dec./Jan. issue of Out. As always, the homophobes are expected to swamp Sony with postcards warning the company about the evils of supporting "the gay agenda." Send sup- portive comments to John Heenan, Sony Corporation of America, 1 Sony Drive, Park Ridge, NJ 07656-8003. Send copies of your correspondence to Hary Taylor, Account Manager, Out, The Soho Build- ing, Suite 800, New York, NY 10019, fax 212-334-9227. (GLADLA) Holes in The Holy War On Friday, November 19, PBS aired an hour-long segment of Bill Moyers' Jour- nal titled The New Holy War, which looked at efforts by fundamentalist lead- ers to oppose equal rights for lesbian and gay people. The report, which was pro- duced and directed by Gail Pellett and written by Pellett and Moyers, focused specifically on Colorado Springs, where many organizations in the Religious Reich are headquartered. To his credit, Moyers interviewed a hand- ful of lesbian and gay Colorado citizens. However, Moyers gave a wider range of fundamentalists considerable time to ex- plain their heterosupremacist views, which they presented with all the polish that expensive market testing and fo- rensic training can provide. Although Moyers gently challenged the speakers to justify some of their points, he did not re- fute their many distortions, misleading statements, and outright lies. In fact, he offered no evaluation of the two “sides” whatsoever. Viewers who don’t know better may have believed the mis- information presented in this program, and anti-gay viewers must have felt vin- dicated and affirmed in their beliefs. Though Moyers did not know it, many of his featured bigots quoted directly from Medical Consequences of What Homo- sexuals Do, a wide1y—distributed and out- rageously-deceptive pamphlet produced by Paul Cameron (a quack “psychol- ogist” who has lied to several U.S. courts and who also has been roundly con- demned by the American Psychological Association, American Sociological As- sociation, and other professional associa- tions). among other "facts," the pamphlet states: “The rectum was not designed to accommodate the fist (or little gerbils), and those who do so can find themselves consigned to diapers ’ for life.” Un- fortunately, Moyer’s never got around to taking a close look at that pamphlet or other key sources of fundamentalist mis- information. Send your comments to Bill Moyers Journal, c/o Jennifer Lawson, Executive Vice President, National Programming and Promotions, PBS, 1320 Braddock Place, Alexandria, VA 22314, tel. 703- 739-5000. For a copy of Medical Con- sequences of What Homosexuals Do, write to Family Research Institute, P.O. Box 2091, Washington, DC 20013, tel. 203-690-8536. Founded in 1985, it is the mission of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Def- amation (GLAAD) to counter stereotypes and misinformation about lesbians and gay men, to promote the fullest possible understanding of the breadth and di- versity of lesbian and gay lives, and to counter all public expression of bigotry of any kind.The need for continual gay and lesbian reaction to the events that are shaping our lives and our future is important. One of the most eflective tools we can use is letter writing. When you write a letter, please send a copy of your correspondence, and any reply, to us for our files. Send to: GLAAD/LA, P.0. Box 931763, Hollywood 90093-7033.7 ATTORNEYS AT LAW 05753 Bunuucron OFFICE: 275 COLLEGE STREET BURLINGTON. VERMONT 05402 8023640217 SUSAN M. MURRAY LANG-ROCK SPERRY & WOOL 15 SOUTH PLEASANT STREET MIDDLEBURY, VERMONT AREA CODE: B02 TE|£PHoNE: 338-6356 HOME PHONE: B77-3l65 FAX #: 338-6149 PHoTQQ&1e'.; GLAMOUR, FORMAL 82. HIGH FASHION PHOTOGRAPHY (802) 862-5497 80 Church Street. Corner of Church 8i Bonk, Burlington, VT 05401 - 1, Walter I. Zeichner, M.A., N.C.C., ' VERMONT'S PREMIER GAY NIGHTCLUB 14 % Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor Psychotherapy ~ BodyWork ~ Massage Therapy Gay & Lesbian Positive ~ Gender Issues Educational Consulting ~ Workshops & Trainings: Wellness Consultation 323 Pearl St. ,Burlington, Vt. 05401 (802) 863-5510