Out in the Mountains The Splendor of Truth Paul Olsen While many gay men and lesbians struggle to reconcile their sexuality and spiritual life, a group of approximately twelve Ver- mont Roman Catholics have been regu- larly meeting to celebrate both. Burling- ton based DignityNermont was formed two years ago by lesbian and gay Catholics interested in observing their faith and be- ing recognized and accepted as full mem- bers of the Catholic church. - As the newest official chapter of Dignityl USA, DignityNerrnont is struggling to have a liturgical life when much of the Catholic church opposes the agenda of Dignity/USA. Dennis Finnegan, Dignity’s New England Regional Coordinator, char- acterizes the church's position on gays and lesbians as “it's okay to be a bird, but don’t fly”. According to Finnegan, Dig~ nity’s mission is to provide a spiritual haven for gay men and lesbians who feel marginalized by the Catholic church. Dig- nityNermont’s dedication to “eradicating all restraints on the ascribed roles of wom- en and men in the Church and society at large - gay, straight, lesbian, divorced, sep- arated and, especially those afflicted with AIDS” places them in the position of be- ing church dissidents. The establishment of Dignity/Verrnont has not been without incident. Shortly after Dignity mailed Bishop Kenneth Angell a copy of their monthly newsletter, the priest who regularly performed mass for the group stopped attending Dignity meet- Continued on next page Patronize our Adverbieers A|El§RWU£BiN'l8FNNKZLIl.P£TVlU\l( (802) 878-5600 BUS.. 878-0096 FAX (800) 488-5609 BUSINESS (802)862-1375 RESIDENCE By Alison Bechdel HE LL0. M‘! coszoeoui BABES.’ DIDTHI} Dukes to lllatch llutf OI @ME=Ni$ 0? wtirit cmnce, Tm: vmre Is It DISASTER AREA! . Au. WE HAVE 10 EAT I; LEFTOVEKI IND —- -7 ~.—«.... BIEASTIMLK. AND £vER~/ Armcu; or .351 aommc. 1 ow [5 reverse Mm my true?! HE SAVED I1 Fok You :0 X311 Cour-9 FEEL mcumin OH, I mvmzo HARRIS‘! MD eusu over: R>!~ um- NER 10 CELEBRATE Lmlvhltv , ‘"'l]_" on! HELL cm: ow You PANIc—wE OM w,THEN.AuD BaLIEVE_IT? FOR Cor1Fo¢T.’1' WAS AFRAID N['D conawuimorli, M7 Loves) A Au. BE Eaime TRADJTIDNAL VALUE) HERE'S ‘YD my HALL MM BETTER WAY TB FIGHT I1 THAN ‘us Join IT ? OH. I Dl.NNO.1’ WA! SOKTA THINKING IT ocIAL szxvuzs. rmwx-mE AFRKAN‘ AnazucAu,vIemAn:5s, /Nb r./A11»/E - 51 IVE OtBZ'IMf RACIST PINHW All)’ DAyof THE weer, Momma NAN REID Graduate of Seattle M'd "f Sch 1 865-4555 r_:c;;§§’r..w‘,’{f R EALTOR° COLDIIIELL BANKER E] JACQUELINE L. MARINO MIDWIFE Hornebirth 0 Complete Prenatal and 9:‘; i°J.°a£.‘s ‘fis- COLDWELL BANKER % M" "A5 22 MAIN sr. Q ESSEX JUNCTION. VT 05452 An Independentfy Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Amlielee. Inc. Postpartum Care 0 Sliding Fee Scale - Most Insurance Accepted 0 Free Consultation 121 LOOMIS STREET - BURLINGTON, VERMONT 05401