You Tom HEIL You LOIF, HAVEN'T you wait ATTRALTED To ~ Eva: SE5»: Armacreo HER BU7 >bUxeNDT6a»wA To A PERSON AND HAVE A¢~lAFFA|R?1 Nor ACTED omr? DoN'TGETlT. r ' = — - .-. So may NOT ACKNL)-lL£D6£ ’]‘l»EMAlJ-THE wA>'? r5~“r THAT EVEN HEALTHIER ? no HA$N'T GOTTEN AN7 How HOT $1451) 52.’ COULD you Plmsg KEEP YOUR vac: Dom? IT WAS YOUR Bic Moum 'lHkT STARTED ‘my wl1UL£ ‘mule N THE maven AvtM!1mcv~£ FIRS1 HALE! ‘ u’ ‘ , . -. L Eyriy; ».- 7 I’ . ’ Forum! I \l"U/Ll./l£ :’ , -,- .. I % 2 6/ E- a one News INFomA— ’\’IorJ ABMA con — l. I CAH'T.’SH£'S w A RELATIorLSHI|’!SHE SM SHE SAYS. Bur is rr WHAT SHE 7 11!.’ Du: you new Aaourmu new BUNNS AND NoODt£ sun:-rsrofzs OPENING ouT Arm: mu? TH£7u HM 150,000 1'n’L£$, Nsuxrarm IN Tuztvzludcualtj, ANDA DAWI EAPruczMo Bu! I'M AFKAID WE'RE GOWA L115: sluts. ‘.2: l1uH.w:LL,MAvB:mis Is me Psmcrrwte -rur EXPAND ourtmvatroizv or THINGS HE Now THE 3uP£m‘ro¢£ wowr CARR)’, LIKE QUEER ZINES, Pom MAAAZMEK, ER6\'IcvlDa>5, MA‘/BE Cl-IASSMAN & BEM .1 Special BOOKSELLERS wlliiiie We are proud to carry the area’s largest selection of gay, lesbian, and bisexual books and magazines. 81 Church St., Burlington, VT 802-862-4332 1-800-NEW BOOK NO,AL1HOUt.H 1 WM ACTEDOM 11 um PEOPLE I . wAsrJ1 PARTIcuLAk- Li AVWAHLD 11>. TU ALK:-bwl£R'£ OUR Feguucs How NICE FOR YOU. LISTEN. MAXINE AND I ARE COMMITTED A M0r\b6N’\0U) RELATIONSHIP, Bvrwcve A-saga) urs Hmmy '.- FOR OTHER WOMEN. : ‘I: .i - /_ Lois, DID >bu FEEL ’, THAT? Couwwu S(N5.=_1H: . mmum1 ezrweeu us? ,. uum YoU'R£ DONE um: ms SHE!-VES NW = twv You um» us ALLUP some CAPPUCUMO. ' December 1993 VGSA: Still Going.... Paul Olsen Like the Energizer Bunny, Vermont Gay Social Alternatives (VGSA) is going strong. Established by Real Masson in 1990 to provide gay and lesbian Vermonters with opportunities to meet in alternative social surroundings, VGSA has grown to include over 95 members and is now run by a nine member steering committee. The VGSA Newsletter is published monthly and lists upcoming social events and activities. Recent events have included a variety of theme parties, pot luck dinners, movie “outings”, climbs up Camel’s Hump, and road trips to Montreal. To date, the most successful VGSA sponsored event was last summer's Pride Day “cruise” on Lake Champlain which was attended by over 200 people. Upcoming VGSA events include a party at the Sheraton Hotel’s Emerald Ballroom on New Year’s Eve featuring dinner, entertainment and dancing. As evidenced by its growth in the past few years, VGSA is providing a needed service for gay men and lesbians living in a rural state. By sponsoring ongoing and creative social events, all indicators are that VGSA will keep going and going and going and going..... To learn more about Vermont Gay Social Alternatives write VGSA, P.O. Box 237, Burlington, VT 05402-0237 or call (802) 658-7630 V Send your questions to: Auntie Pearl PO Box 4156 Burlington, VT 05406 \//\\//\\//\\