Out in the Mountains National/International News AFL-CIO to Oppose Anti-Gay Ballot Measures San Francisco, CA - The national AFL- CIO, meeting at its biennial convention in San Francisco, hads approved unanimously a proposal to “take an active role in- opposing measures which reduce the rights of people based on their sexual orienta- tion”, and pledges to participate in “ap- propriate coalitions to defeat such meas- ures.” According to San Francisco gay labor activist Howard Wallace, who au- thored the proposal, “It allows us to go to every union body in the U.S. where we are under attack, and enlist their participation in coalitions to defeat the ultra—right.” The resolution was approved by the full convention on October 6th as part of the la- bor union's civil rights resoultion. The res- olution urges AFL—CIO “affiliates, and their members, to work closely with its civ- il rights and women's rights allies to sup- ea JOSIE JUHASZ, M.A. and LYNN GOYETTE, M.S., M.A. Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors announce their affiliation as the COUNSELING CENTER or NORTHERN VERMONT with offices in Burlington 860-6360 Montpelier 229-5220 insurance accepted port strict enforcement of equal employ- ment and political rights laws.” It de- nounces “violence motivated by bigotry, prejudice and hate”, specifically naming cross—buming, police brutality, church de- facement, and gay bashing. The resolution also reiterates the AFL- CIO's historical positions in favor of les- bian and gay rights which state that per- sonnel actions against workers based on sexual orientation are irrelevant, and that the AFL-CIO ‘fsupports enactment of leg- islation at all levels of government to guar- antee the civil rights of all persons without regard to sexual orientation in public and private employment, housing, credit, pub- lic accomodation and public services”. Other Mothers Los Angeles, CA — The CBS School Break Special, broadcast on the afternoon of Oc- tober 15, depicted the travails of a high school freshman who weathers homo- phobic ostracism when his peers discover that he has two lesbian mothers. Other Mothers, directed by Lee Shallot and pro- duced by Joseph Stem, depicts a happy home life for teenager Will Jergenson (William Russ), his biological mother Lin- da (Joanna Cassidy) and his “other moth- er” Paula (Meredith Baxter). In a Read More About It postscript to the program, actress Meredith Baxter says: “To learn more about the changing roles in our parenting society, the Library of Con- gress recommends these books: Diversity in American Families, by Maxine Baca Zinn and D. Stanley Eitzen, and Re- thinking the Family, edited by Barrie Thorne and Marilyn Yalom.” Advertisers on this affirming program were: Multigrain Cheerios (General Mills), Jell-O Actifed Sinus medicine, Cortisone— 10, Campbell's soup, Sears, Airwick, Pu- rina Cat Chow, Yuban Coffee, Aquafresh toothpaste, Efidac 24, Fleishmann's Egg Beaters, Lever 2000 soap, Mrs. Dash spic- es, JC Penny, l—800—DEN'I'IST (a reg- istered service mark of Applied Ana- gramics, Inc.), Post Raisin Bran, Muggies diapers, M&M's, V-8 juice, Prego spaghetti sauce, Preparation H, Hershey's Hugs, and Rolaids. Comments should be sent to Jeff Sagansky, President, CBS Entertainment, 7800 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 902 1 3.(GlAAD Media News Briefs) P-FLAG Denounces NAMBLA Washington, DC- In light of ILGA's [Inter- national Lesbian and Gay Association] newly granted consultative roster status to the United Nations and the discovery of NAMBLA [North American Man/Boy Love Association] as one of its members, PFLAG denounced the intent and inclusion of NAMBLA in any function related to the gay, lesbian and bisexual human rights movement. The following statement was adopted by the Board of Directors on Oc- tober 31, 1993. “As a family organization, Parents, Fam- ilies, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Inc. (P-FLAG) strongly condemns the sex- ual exploitation of children by any in- dividual, group, or organization, in any fonn and under any circumstance. Although the majority of sexual abusers of children are heterosexual men, and the major- ity of victims are young girls, the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile organization whose sole purpose is to facilitate sex betwen adult men and young boys. P-FLAG, there- fore, repudiates NAMBLA and its aims. P-FLAG opposes the inclusion of NAM- BLA in any umbrella organization, co- alition, event, or activity that is associated with the gay, lesbian, bisexual communities or their families and friends.” P-FLAG: PARENTS, FAMILIES AND FRIENDS OF LESBIANS AND GAYS, 1012 14th Street, NW Suite 700, Washing- ton, DC 20005, (202)-638-4200, Fax (202)-638-0243. Janet K. Brown, M. A, C. AC Jean Townsend, M.A. Mansfield Psychotherapy Associates 802-865-3230 Marianne M ’ Licensed Psychologist Certified Mental arsh M Certified Alcohol Counselor Health Counselor P59‘l‘l“W - ACOA - IDENTITY ISSUES - TRAUMA AND LOSS 177 Battery Street _ .' DEPRESSION _ Burlington Vermont 05401 Individuals Couples Families Milton, VT (802) 893-4816 Burlington, VT (802) 863-8162 05/94 I