TE YOUR X51311: piwu. / < V Copyright 1993 Dear Auntie Pearl, My girlfriend is the best thing to happen to my sex life since vibrators went elec- tric. So what’s the problem? She’s LOUD! The neighbors look at me side- ways, my roommate is losing sleep, and my dog even started howling along once! I know I’m not silent myself, but my girl- friend sounds like I’m killing her — and she can keep it up for like 20 minutes like that. She says she’ll control it, but then she’s back at it again. Is there some way to fix this? By the way, I’m totally into it myself. I just don’t want to get arrested. Coneidering Soundproofing in FA Dear Considering, Thankfully, medical science has dis- covered no cure for ecstasy. A move — to the country, or beside a missile testing range — is in order. Your Auntie Pearl Dear Auntie Pearl, My problem is that my lover, “Janet”, isn’t out, and it’s making my life hell. It was fine when we lived in a big city, be- cause we never ran into people from her job. But a month ago, we moved to a small city, and now she’s afraid every- body will know we’re lovers and she’ll lose her job. Before we moved, all my friends were dykes. I used to go to all the dances and concerts and so on, but I can’t now. I met some dykes anyway, but I can’t even tell them I have a lover. One day, Jane and I ran into some dykes I met here, and Janet was so rude, she wouldn’t even meet them. She’s afraid they’ll out her, which is stupid, because they’re really nice. But she won’t even meet them to find out. We don’t even go out to dinner together anymore. About the only time we’ re in pub- lic together is at the grocery store. To make a long story short, Janet is making my life miserable, and she says I have to think about who’s bringing home the bacon. Auntie Pearl, we got married in DC. When I said “I do” I meant forever. How can I make this work? I love her. Please help. Karen Dear Karen, Good gracious, woman, stand up and claim your place in the world! This mar- riage has a divorce date to keep within a year unless you two decide that Janet isn’t the only person in this relationship. Janet has a right to her privacy, but don’t you dare accept a life of hiding and half- truths. Your differences present po- tentially disastrous difficulties which didn’t exist before you moved. If there’s a chance for this marriage, you’ll find it at couples counseling. If staying together means that one of you has to lose her way of life, you’d better find out now and cut your losses. Your Auntie Pearl _______ __—l V Lesbians Who Love To Read Trust Heartland Books to bring you the best in lesbian reading. Discreet delivery. Annotated, illustrated catalog. Linda Weiss, Proprietor. l l l l l Mail coupon to: l l l l l I l I I P.O. Box 1105 A, E. Corinth, VT 05040 g I l November 1993 Dear Auntie Pearl, Ever since I lost my lover, Ron, to AIDS 3 years ago, I haven’t wanted to be with anyone else. For the last year or so, my sister has wanted to fix me up, but I can’t do it. I know she has good intentions, but it just pisses me off. My sister is a lesbian, and she reads your column in her town. I told her I was going to write to you, and she said she’d look for your reply. Am I off base, or should she back off‘? NotA Lonely Guy Dear Not Lonely, Three years is long enough. Back in the saddle with you, mister. Would you have wanted Ron put to pasture if you had been the one to die? Of course not. You love him, and you’d want him to be hap- py. Seeing as you have a sister with her wits about her, there’s a chance that good sense is in your genetic code. Let’s see you use some. Auntie wants you out there enjoying life. Your A untie Pearl Write Your Auntie Pearl appears in pub- lications nationwide. Send your questions or comments to: Auntie Pearl Box 4156 Burlington VT 05406. V Celebrate the Holidays Very hip gay & lesbian books, calendars, jewelry. Women's symbol cookie cutters, rainbow candles, current gay, lesbian, bi musicians on tape and CD!!l!!l! All proceeds benefit the Peace & Justice Coalition Peace on Earth Store 21 Church St. Burlington, Vermont 863-8326 5-