Stonewall 25 David Landers On Sunday, June 26, 1994 the Inter- national March on the United Nations to affirm the Human Rights of Lesbian and Gay people will take place. Gay Games IV will bring over 12,000 athletes from over 50 countries and the International Lesbian/Gay Association will hold its an- nual conference in New York with as many as 1,000 delegates from over 30 na- tions discussing the global agenda and immediate needs of Lesbian/Gay groups in many countries. Organizers of Stone- wall 25 have been working for months to make this event even greater than the March on Washington. Because it is an International March, the politics of such a venture have been complicated. The Unit- ed States organizers have insisted that this be an inclusive event and therefore all literature in the US concerning Stone- wall 25 will now include Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Transgendered people. The Na- tional Steering Committee is also com- mitted to issues of parity and has taken very strong steps to ensure the inclusion of women and minorities in the decision making. Vermont currently comes under the re- sponsibility of the New York delegation to Stonewall 25, and while the two peo- ple who share that position (one male and one female) will make sure that Vermont is informed of all of the “happenings” around the March, the National Steering Committee would like to have a delegate from Vermont to share a vote with New Hampshire. Because of their commitment to parity issues and due to the current makeup of the New England delegations, they are adamant about wanting a woman for this position. This vote would be one of eight from New England, New York and New Jersey. If anyone is interested in serving as a delegate to the National Steer- ing Committee for Stonewall 25 please contact me and I would be happy to give you additional information about the re- sponsibilities of a delegate. (802) 878- 2903 In the meantime, I will be contacting each of the various VT Area Resources listed on the back of OITM to keep them in- formed of what is happening as the plans develop for this International March. I will also be submitting information regularly to OITM so please watch for updates.V - The purposejof ‘0ut‘in.=;th,é Moim I sexual cqmm“unities,' 1, - “any: material iwh‘ic'h ‘broadens your‘ ‘ Submitting a Letter OITM welcomes letters to the Editor and will withhold your name or use your initials or first name only on request. However, we must have your full name and address for our files if we are to print your letter. Letters may be edited for length or clarity. V 32 N. Champlain St. Burlington VT. 05401 802/864 0 7198 - FAX 802/658 ' 1556 Aiméc S. Green (802)660-9238 ill?’ VIRGINIA TALBOT Account Executive DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS INC. Seven Burlington Square, Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 863-7728 I November 1993 ‘ tains is to sérveas afv'oice”f6r. les- »bians, gay. men,’ bisexuals; anti our‘. » supporters; inf,.Vex"n‘1bnt.’ We wish" the newspaper tobe a. source oftin-. ,_ fonnation, support: and * afl'i'nna5-—. tion; We also see 01 TM as a vehicle for celebration’ of tl1e,'goodi'1e$sAjan_d ,. 3 diversity‘ of the lesbian; gay, and bi- Editorial Policy, . We will‘-consider, for publication understandinglof our lifestyles and I WATS (800) 869-9660 FAX (302; 865—2t37 C.