The Champlain College Players, under the direction of Donald Rowe, will present Tennessee Williams’ acclaimed drama, A Streetcar Named Desire as their fall 1993 mainstage production. Produced first on Broadway in De- cember 1947 in a now legendary pro- duction directed by Elia Kazan and star- ring Marlon Brando and Jessica Tandy, Streetcar has since received countless theatrical revivals and been filmed twice. Both the 1951 film version with Vivian Leigh and Brando and the 1983 tele- vision production starring Ann Margaret and Treat Williams have been heaped with critical acclaim and with awards — Academy, Emmy, Golden Globe, New York Film Critics, etc. Centering around Blanche DuBois, a prototypical Williams southern gentle- woman, Streetcar recounts the conflict between brutality and civilization, be- tween those at home in the world and those forever outside its conventions, be- tween monogamy and promiscuity, be- tween homosexuality and hetero- sexuality, and between sanity and insanity. The sensitive exploration of these conflicts in Streetcar, the vividness of its characters, the beauty of its lan- guage, and the power of its theatrical Health Resource Organizations AIDS HOTLINES: Vermont 1-800-882-2437 New Hampshire 1-800-752-2437 New York State 1-800-541-2437 Massachusetts 1-617-522-4090 Maine l-800-851-2437 National 1-800-342-2437 Canadian 1-613-563-2437 AIDS Community Awareness Project (ACAP) PO Box 608 St. Johnsbury VT 05819 (802) 748-1149 AIDS Community Resource Network (ACORN) PO Box 2057 Lebanon NH 03766 (603) 448-2220 Bennington Area AIDS Project PO Box 1066 Bennington VT 05201 (802)442-4481 or 1-800-845-2437 0 j A Streetcar Named Desire imagination, make it an especially mean- ingful play among gay audiences. Williams himself, America’s foremost gay playwright, often commented on the degree to which his sexual orientation in- fluenced his writing. In the Memoirs, for example, he said, “There is more sensibil- ity — which is equivalent to more talent- among gays of both sexes than among the “norms”. Why? They must compensate for so much.” Thus he links the life of the gay person, the loner, the outsider, with the idea that art may arise out of suffering and deprivation - a compensation for pain and loss. With regard to Streetcar specif- ically, Donald Spoto, Williams’ biog- rapher commented that “in his creative struggles with himself and in his domestic struggles with Pancho (his lover at the time), he met both the protective and de- structive Stanley and the gentle, needy, spiritual but manipulative sensualist, Blanche.” A Streetcar Named Desire will be the sev- enth production of the Champlain College Players, following on the heels of their highly acclaimed performances of Bus Stop, Not About Heroes, Marat/Sade, Canterbury Tales, Amadeus, and Hamlet. It will be presented at Alumni Auditorium Brattleboro AIDS Project PO Box 1486 Brattleboro VT 05302 (802) 254-4444 (Helpline) (802) 254-8263 (Office) Franklin-Grand Isle AIDS Task Force P. O. Box 241, St. Albans VT 05478 (800) 524-7742 - (802) 638-7834 Friends Vermont Emotional, Spiritual, & Psychological Support PO Box 402 Bristol, VT 05443 1-800-639-3316 Gay/Lesbian Alcoholics Anonymous GLAA, P.O. Box 5653 Burlington, VT 05402 Lesbian Cancer Support Group (802) 660-8386 North Star (Holistic Health Care) RR2 Box 3255 Morrisville VT 05661 - (802)888-2858 November 1993 on the Champlain College Campus Wednesday through Saturday, No- vember 10-13. Performances will begin at 8 pm. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students and seniors. For further in- formation or reservations call Donald Rowe at 658-0800 x 2518. V JOSIE JUHASZ, MA. and LYNN GOYETTE, M.S.,M.A. Lic. Clinical Mental Health Counselors announce their afliliadon as the COUNSELING CENTER OF NORTHERN VERMONT omces in Montpelier 229-5220 Burlington 860-6360 -insurance accepted- Vermont AIDS Council PO Box 275 Montpelier VT 05601 ' (802) 229-2557 Vermont C.A.R.E.S. (Committee for AIDS Resources, Education, and Services) PO Box 5248 30 Elmwood Avenue Burlington VT 05401 (802) 863-2437 (Burlington) 1-800-649-2437 (Rutland and Washington County support groups) Vermont Department of Health 1-800-882-2437 (AIDS Hotline) or (802) 863-7245 (AIDS Program office) VT PWA Coalition PO Box 1055 ° Brattleboro, VT 05302 1-800-698-8792 or (802) 222-5123 L Vermont Women’s Health Center 336 North Avenue Burlington VT 05401 - (802) 863-1386