National/International News United Airlines Adds Sexual Orienta- tion to EEO Policy San Francisco, CA - United Airlines, the nation’s largest airline, recently revised it’s corporate Equal Employment Policy to prohibit discrimination against gay and lesbian employees. The new policy makes United Airlines one of the largest corporations and the first U.S. air carrier to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation. (GLUE Coalition) Neighborhood Recruits Gays & Lesbians San Diego, Ca — Residents of a San Die- go neighborhood, Azalea park are pass- ing out fliers as part of an aggressive campaign to attract gays and lesbians into the neighborhood to boost declining property values. A straight couple, Linda & Mark Pennington, were joined by about a dozen other gay and straight Azalea park residents who marched in San Diego’s gay and lesbian pride pa- rade carrying a banner reading “Gays Welcome—Azalea Park”. Residents set up a booth at the parade festival and passed out hundreds of copies of a fact sheet with information about housing in the neighborhood. (0uI‘lines) Boston Police Recruit Gays Boston,. MA — The Boston Police De- partment is targeting the gay community in its recruitment drives to be held for the fall and winter police academy class. In addition to gays, women and minorities are included in the drive. “We do it (re- cruit gays) for the same reason we recruit Chinese officers”, said Police Commis- sioner William Bratton. “Some people feel more comfortable dealing with Chi- nese officers who speak their own lan- guage.” There are currently two openly gay officers on the force. (The Washington Blade) Justice Dept. Sues Dentists for AIDS Discrimination The government named dental offices in Houston and New Orleans on Monday in the first lawsuits it has filed to stop al- leged discrimination against people in- fected with the AIDS virus. The Justice Department said the dentists are violating the Americans With Disabilities Act by withholding treatment from patients who have the virus. Castle Dental Center, a chain of dental and orthodontic facilities in Houston, was sued in federal court there. And Dr. Drew B. Morvant of New Orleans was named in a separate case in that city. Neither had any immediate comment on the suits. The Justice De- partment said the American Dental As- sociation has found no medical or sci- (802) 863-5510 Q, Walter I. Zeichner, M.A., N.C.C., % Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor Psychotherapy ~ BodyWork ~ Massage Therapy Gay & Lesbian Positive ~ Gender Issues Educational Consulting ~ Workshops & Trainings Wellness Consultation 323 Pearl St. ,Burlington, Vt. 05401 November 1993 entific justification for not treating peo- ple solely because they are HIV—positive. (Chicago Tribune) Massachusetts Permits Joint Adoptions Boston, MA - Massachusetts joined Ver- mont in approving at the highest state court level, joint adoptions by parents of the same sex. The action in Mas- sachusetts follows by about three months, the Vermont Supreme Court’s decision approving such adoptions; the first in the country at this level. In Mas- sachusetts, the court ruled the same day on two separate cases, both involving the right of a lesbian to adopt the biological child of her partner. (The Washington Blade, GLAD) Dentist Ordered to Pay for AIDS Discrimination New York, NY — A dentist who denied treatment to a person with AIDS has been ordered to pay compensatory dam- ages by the New York Commission on Human Rights. John Campanella in- formed the dentist, Dr. William Hurwitz, that he had AIDS at his first visit. He then received a letter from Dr. Hurwitz stating that he would not treat Mr. Cam- panella “due to the nature of your ill- ness.” Mr. Campanella, who filed his original complaint in 1987, has since died. The $7,500 payment will go to his estate. (The Pink Paper) V The Purple Web BBS (802) 862-5970 Modem P.O. Box 64694, Burlington, Vt 05406 Call the Outright VT Questions? Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Youth Info-Line 1 800-GLB-CHAT Youth Group Meeting Friday 7-9 pm Stephanie Buck, M.A. individuals - couples - groups I. Elm Street Feminist Counseling 155 Elm Street - Montpelier, VT 05602 - 802 223-7173