Out in the Mountains Letters to the Editor Lost in Space: An Open Letter to Sen- ator James Jeffords cc: Out in the Mountains Dear Senator Jeffords, I’ve thought about your proposed leg- islation that would prohibit the use of billboards in outer space. While this may be an admirable goal, I’m again writing you about an issue that is much closer to planet earth. While claiming that you are opposed to discrimination, you’ve consistently re- fused to co—sponsor the National Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights Act. As you know, this neutral piece of civil rights legislation would prohibit discrimination on the ba- sis of sexual orientation nationwide. With passage of Vermont’s anti—discrimination statute, it is clear that Vermont has spok- en on this issue and, as a Senator from Vermont, you should carry this message to the rest of the country. Why is what is good for Vermont not good for the na- tion? Your opposition to signing onto this bill appears to be motivated by the Re- publican primary you will face in 1994. It’s discouraging to think that rather than principle you are motivated by self- interest and self-preservation. Does the primary you face next year also explain your absence on the confirmation vote of (openly lesbian) Roberta Achtenberg to her position at HUD? Come back to earth, “phone home”, and back your bark with bite by joining Sen- ator Leahy and Representative Sanders as a co—sponsor of this critical piece of civil rights legislation. While gay and lesbian Americans continue to lose their jobs, homes and children, your work on billboards in space is insulting, trivial, and lost in space. Paul Oleen (Note to OITM readers: Staffers of Sen- I ator Jeffords claim he has heard from ‘ few Vermonters regarding the National ~ Gay & Lesbian Civil Rights Act. If you believe this is an important issue call _ Senator Jeffords at 1-800-835-5500 and express your opinion). Dear Deborah Lashman, Editor In the September issue, 1993 under page 10, I found Nocture for Diverse In- struments by Alison Bechdel to be porn trash. In picking up Out in the Mann- tains I seek education, awareness and something of interest. I can‘t see how this cartoon gives a positive light to any lesbian. ' Sincerely flustered and ired, Brother Richard K. Labbe, 5.C. Brothere of the Sacred Heart 15- -.¢a...nn_n “Ask me how to save on car insurance?’ If you bring your home and car insurance to Allstate, you could receive attractive saving on your Allstate car insurance policy.]ust give me a call about the Allstate Multi—I.ine Discount. It could really give you a lift Call Ellen Hetherington - 863-3808 Allstate‘ Youhingoodhands.