NATIONAL COMING our WEEK October 11th is National Coming Out Day, the anniversary of the 1987 March on Washington for Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Civil Rights. In celebration of this event, an entire Week of activities has been planned for the Burlington and UVM communities. /1 K CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday, October 10 11:00 am Virginia Ramey Mollenkott will speak at the Unitarian Church at the head of Church Street in Burlington. Monday, October 1 1 11:00 am Parade to UVM Green and raising of rainbow flag to kick off the on—campus celebration. 12:00 pm Workshop with Virginia Ramey Mollenkott at Marsh Lounge in Billings Student Center, UVM. Pre—registration is necessary. 7:00 pm Evening Talk with Virginia Ramey Mollenkott in Billings Theatre, UVM, entitled "Eros as a Spiritual Urge." 9:00 pm . RED, HOT, and DANCE! NCOW/GLBA sponsored dance at CLUB METRONOME, with D] Craig Mitchell, for the Burlington community. Open to folks 18 and over. Cover. Tuesday, October 12 I U _ 7:30 pm Torie Osborn, Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and leader in the fight against military discrimination against gays, lesbians and bisexuals, will speak in Billings Theatre, UVM. Wednesday, October 13 I I 7:30 pm Romanovsky & Phillips. An evening of music and comedy in the Ira Allen Chapel, UVM. $6 public, $3 students. Thursday, October 14 Blue Jeans Day—Wear yours and come out in stylish support. of your friends and allies. Signature ad appearing in Cynic. Friday, October 15 7:00 pm Open Mike Night, Billings North Lounge, UVM. Invited speakers and audience members will be asked to comment on being bisexual, lesbian, or gay at UVM and Burlington, and talk about the weeks events. 7:00 pm Peter's Friends, SA sponsored film, Billings Theater, UVM. Change Of Plans The Open Mike Event Has Been ’ moved o Thu. a : O a.m. 1 6 in the Billings Ncfrlit iounge 7:00 pm Paris Is Burning, SA sponsored film, Billings Theater, UVM. For further information about any of these programs or to get involved, call Dorothea Brauer at 656-0505. Sponsored in part by : University of Vermont Lifetime Wellness Program, University of Vermont Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Alliance, University of Vermont Department of Residential Life, University of Vermont Religion Studies Department, and the University of Vermont Student Activities Office. Design by G. Duke © 1993