l“ The Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men presents ‘ CREATING COMMUNITY - CREATING CHANGE Shaping Vermont’s Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Future A Time for Friendship, Frivolity and Focus Saturday, December 4, 1993 Verrnont Technical College, Randolph Begins at 8:30 AM with registration Continues all day with Celebrations, Music, Workshops and Business Luncheon Debate on Lesbian and Gay Marriage by nationally reknowned lawyers Paula Ettelbrick and Tom Stoddard . Some worksho offerings are How to work for Domestic Partnership Benefits in your Company; Youth Issues: Cgutreach, Education etc.; Lesbian Sex Talk; Gay Men talk Sex; Le al Issues of relationshi s; Adoption Reform Law in Vermont; Single, over 30 and alone: the Esolation; Being Gay or Les ian in rural Vermont; Lesbian Health; Gay Men's Health and more ...... .. Children’s Programming will be provided. Donationz’ $20\ artici ant budgeted, $12 to $25 sliding scale donation includes lur1ch $5\ chi d for ood and program Creating Community \ Creating Change : a Lavender Convention Name(s) phone Address Zip Do you need ASL interpreting? Y or N vegetarian? Y or N fr‘ Do you have children? Y or N Are you bringing them? Y or N child(?en)’s name age boy or girl Budgeted donation includes lunch $20 sliding scale $12 - $25 X food and su plies per child $5 .......... ..x additional on-ation ................................................ .. total enclosed. .......................................................... .. Please make checks payable to The Verrnont Coalition of Lesbians and Men or.VCLGM mail to The Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men, P.O. Box 1125, Montpelier, 05602 —_