Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel LIK/\,|’M6oN»IA _~ , yegn,-rm; u ‘mER£'5THE LooK HowBUwrIFuL"mm Ir. QGASH rm rum RIGHT aerate me u£A9.'J'EEZ, P015513 WWI 5”“; , v 2 o S . '-;3 ./ME;wwHILE,ovEK AT wuxerom... V on, uo.1...xr _ _ = FEELS Nelle! I = ' ’ ,( (Ayn aeusve -mus If '2 REALL7 cow» NORK.. ...AY! - 1 snu. CAN'T , Beuever IT. 2:.-.-.. . IT'S woKKN6! IT'S WARM.’ My BREASU ARE Buzz: uc ! w£LL!>'ou CAM Go HOME m A courte HOURS IF you LJKE. >'ouRE Camus ALONG JUST GRLAT--r\u5r ae WE1z> THNFWMDERHJLSUPPOIIT ‘rem. we Do4'r oFrErJ 5;: THAT MAN)’ PEOPLE , KTH,’ ‘/EAH... I'M GLAD EvEKy- ous couw BE HERE; -.--V; BUT IT WAS A urru-: HECTIC. nu BE NIcE’To .» 921 HOME AND.EFfL£ w, 1. TUSTTHETHREE or us. L)’, smazow, r couu>u'1 FIND / 48* Any ausstecun cram . so I « ¢‘ , mar sweat ones, ow ? Tm/A wMT51'ol=Now IF SHE (AM BRN6 Son: CHASSMAN & BEM . ?::::".:' 7 days welcome We are proud to carry the area’s largest selection of gay, lesbian, and bisexual books and magazines. 81 Church St., Burlington, VT 802-862-4332 1-800-NEW BOOK 0ctober1993 New HIV Support Groups Offered Hugh Coyle As part of an ongoing effort to increase HIV awareness in Vermont, the Coun- seling Service of Addison County will be offering two new support groups for those affected by the virus. Initial meetings will take place at the be- ginning of October, with exact times and locations to be announced. The first group, Positively Aware, will be limited to those who are HIV+ and will address various issues and con- cerns in an open and understanding en- vironment. The second group, Friends+, will provide a forum for the friends and family of HIV+ persons to discuss their thoughts and feelings. Both groups will be facilitated by staff members of the Counseling Service of Addison County and run for ap- proximately ten weeks (or longer if need is determined). The support groups grew out of an ear- ly summer in-service session offered by Vermont C.A.R.E.S. in response to an initiative set forth by St. Stephen’s , Church in Middlebury to bring together area caregivers and educate the Addi- son County community. Additional groups and forums may also emerge from the various committees formed during the inservice. For more information about the two support groups, please call the Coun- seling Service at 388-6751. All in- quiries will remain confidential. V Read OITM Monthly \//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\V MARTHA A. WILMOT Nationally Certified Massage Therapist Brattleboro. Vermont (802) 381-2660 Sports /\ Swedish\/ Shiatsu /\\//\\//\\//\\'//\\//\\//\\//\\//\\//\