Out in the Mountains Lesbian Health Project Conducts Survey The Lesbian Health Project of Los An- geles is conducting a national lesbian and bisexual women’s health survey. Co-sponsored by lesbian and feminist health organizations around the coun- try, the survey is the largest of it kind ever conducted. Distributed to over 100,000 women at the 1993 March on Washington and through health organizations throughout the country, the survey is an attempt to get a clearer understanding of lesbian’s true risks for cancer and other health concerns. “We have very little health data on lesbians”, said Suzann Gage, RNCNP, OB/GYN nurse practitioner, director of the Lesbian Health Project of LA and coordinator of the survey. “Women health surveys never include questions about sexual orientation to see if lesbians, as a group, like other sub groups of women, may indeed be at ’ greater risk for cancers and other health problems....we hope this study will help shed more light on actual rates of breast cancer in lesbians, as well as important directions in lesbian health education, prevention, and empowerment.” Individuals or groups wanting surveys to distribute can contact the Lesbian Health Survey at (213) 650-1508. V Submitting a Letter OITM welcomes letters to the Editor and will withhold your name or use your initials or first name only on request. However, we must have your full name and address for our files if we are to print your letter. Letters may be edited for length or clarity. V AE}NW7|£SEAR8FIMM3|AL§YVllR( (802)878-5600 BUS.. 878-0096 FAX (800) 488-5609 BUSINESS (802) 862-1375 RESIDENCE JACQUELINE L. MARINO BANKGR Cl REALTOR: Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel ‘ cwuce, rr M5 crust ouE CONTRILTION Two nouns/loo.’ rm M m wan! vim’; me Mfi-ul? xsu eerrma lo«Av,m£»l. H5151 GO.AF1£R I'M FINE! l'H—CALL 0 l Au. nu ma smoumet maul. you IFANYTHNC-a mun l: (I com Bltmc HME THE Bacon. / ‘ Peas. rbuleerouror Heee! I HAVE A - " ‘I Muuofl 1lmles—ro D0 Avlomen Moom 1oFe:o. /1’; FAMILY 11> sumkt Me You /5 $UR£ >blJ'KE okA7’ ? e oll.J’E£Z! lhsozm/I WATA swr» THNG To say. . . I 50:55 _ 7003:: PRoeA§LY REM&1slcK or y ~ CaIM£NTl LIl(a’THA‘l. lll-’ll? Hm Inlserlsml/E OFMETO. . . _ HI,ToyJI.’|'M Iusr RUMNIHG Ekwlvs ml My DAV I W. vloll. 7w ARE FE/tl-‘Y -‘, BIG mu Loox lEAW uaty sun’! NAM.1wn“s Ian at snowy’-r -fiMllE M97! M01‘ .., uncut AN Came Fol Mom, — ‘ Mouuluce (warms. 7:51 at §a\1£11M? new, row um CAmfi)u-Y- lllll\‘i'-i;.,, '[l g I ‘ ( ivaldi FLOWERS (1///aeaoom / Lori E. Qowe Drbprietor 22 MAIN ST. oouaweu. BANKER l REALTY MART ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 An Independently Owned and Operated Member at Coldwell Banker Flelidenlinl Alfllialsn. Inc. Flowers For all occasions. We welcome your business. 802-863-2300 ° Fax 802-6584191 350 Dorset Street I South Burlington, Vermont 05403 10