EAD Bob Bolyard Four times in October an exciting new mu- sical program will be performed in Bur- lington with the collaboration of the local theatrical, medical, and educational com- munities. It’s a musical theater piece en- titled Deadline and it examines the issues of death and dying as they affect patients, families and providers. Deadline was first performed last year at the National Hospice Association’s annual meeting and the local production will generate money (and con- sciousness) for the Vermont Respite House in Williston. The story takes place in a hospital ward and involves four patients, their families and caregivers as they learn about life by facing the challenge of death and dying. The four patients include Gordon, played by Tom Howard, the ultimate Yuppie, who suddenly realizes that life isn’t about how hard you work to accumulate possessions - that there are other riches to be had. His wife, Gayle, whose biological clock is tick- ing, is played by Suzanne Scharf. Eliz- abeth, played by Cathleen McKegney, is October 1993 A Powerful New Musical elderly and doesn’t see any reason to fight to live. Her daughter Ruth, played by Pamela Toof, wants her to fight and hang on. Mildred, a nice Jewish mother, played by Joann Stanfield, only wants to keep liv- ing so that her greedy nephew Freddie, played by Norman Ward, has to wait a lit- tle longer to get his hands on her money. And since this is the 90's, there is a man in the final stages of AIDS, Dennis, played by Mark Cranmer, and his lover, Randy, Terun Sabre Weed, who find their relationship reversed as Randy now has to watch over and take care of Dennis. Vin- cent Pelletier plays Dennis’ father, John, who tries to understand what’s happening to his son as well as accept the lifestyle that he feels put his son in this situation. Mike Hayes plays Dr. Rosen, the ward’s doctor. « The musical score includes ballads, comic numbers, solos, ducts and production num- bers. The production staff includes Maggi Hayes, director; Bob Haggerty, assistant di- rector; Glen Sproul, music director; Geri Amori, producer; Chris Cozzy, technical director; and Pam Carter, stage manager. Deadline will be presented Friday and Sat- urday, October 15 and 16, at the Lyman C. Hunt School in Burlington. On Thursday and Friday, October 21 and 22, it will be presented in the Carpenter Auditorium in the Given Building on the campus of the University of Vermont. Following each performance there will be a panel dis- cussion led by physicians, clergy and coun- — selors to further explore issues presented in the play. Tickets are $10 for the general public, $5 for seniors and students with ID and may be purchased at the Vermont Res- pite House, the Flynn Theater box office, or at the door the night of the performance. This production has been approved for Continuing Medical Education credits for both nurses and physicians. For more in- formation call the Vermont Respite House at 879-0943. V AIDS HOTLINES: Vermont 1-800-882-2437 New Hampshire 1-800-752-2437 New York State 1-800-541-2437 Massachusetts 1-617-522-4090 Maine 1-800-851-2437 National 1-800-342-2437 Canadian 1-613-563-2437 AIDS Community Awareness Project (ACAP) PO Box 608 St. Johnsbury VT 05819 (802) 748-1149 AIDS Community Resource Network (ACoRN) ' PO Box 2057 Lebanon NH 03766 (603) 448-2220 Bennington Area AIDS Project PO Box 1066 Bennington VT 05201 (802) 442-4481 or 1-800-845-2437 Health Resource Organizations Brattleboro AIDS Project PO Box 1486 Brattleboro VT 05302 (802) 254-4444 (Helpline) (802) 254-8263 (Office) Franklin-Grand Isle AIDS Task Force P. O. Box 241, St. Albans VT 05478 (800) 524-7742 0 (802) 638-7834 Gay/Lesbian Alcoholics Anonymous GLAA, P.O. Box 5653 Burlington, VT 05402 Lesbian Cancer Support Group (802) 660-8386 North Star (Holistic Health Care) RR2 Box 3255 Morrisville VT 05661 - (802) 888-2858 Vermont AIDS Council PO Box 275 Montpelier VT 05601 - (802) 229-2557 Vermont C.A.R.E.S. (Committee for AIDS Resources, Education, and Services) PO Box 5248 30 Elmwood Avenue Burlington VT 05401 (802) 863-2437 (Burlington) 1-800-649-2437 (Rutland and Washington County support groups) Vermont Department of Health 1-800-882-2437 (AIDS Hotline) or (802) 863-7245 (AIDS Program office) VT PWA Coalition PO Box 1055 - Brattleboro, VT 05302 1-800-698-8792 or (802) 222-5123 Vermont Women’s Health Center '336 North Avenue Burlington VT ‘05401 - (802) 863-1386