Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Potluck Second Sunday of each month. First Unitarian Church. Burlington, 152 Pearl St. Meet in the upstairs parlor at 12:30 p.m. fol- lowing the service. (All welcome, wheth- er or not you attend. the service). New England Lesbian and Gay Jour- nalists Association New England Chap- ter of National Lesbian and Gay Joumal- ists Association. Network for lesbian and gay journalists to meet and discuss com- mon professional concerns. For more in- formation contact Michelle Johnson (617) 524-0518. OUTRIGHT VT Social Support Groups meet Fridays 7-9pm in Burlington. GLB youth (under 23) welcome to attend. Call for location and information 865-9677. The Rutland Area Gay/Lesbian Con- nection (RAGLC) A support and social organization for the Rutland area gay and lesbian community. See the Calendar listings for upcoming events. If you would like more information about our group, please write to: RAGLC at PO Box 218, Center Rutland, VT 05736. Rutland-Manchester P-FLAG (Parents & Friends of Lesbians & Gays) meets every third Sunday at 2:00 pm at Grace Congregational Church, West St. Rut- land. call Julie or Peter Cooper at 773- 7601 for information. S.A.G.E. (Senior Action in a Gay En- vironment) Gays & Lesbians over 50. Call Robert Zeuner, 658-5136 for date & time of meeting. Stonewall Climbers Mountaineemg and caving club. For more info write: Stone- 6/all Climbers, PO Box 445, Boston, MA 2124. VT-ISEE - Incest Survivors Enlightened 8} Empowered - Survivor-run organiza- tion; publishes a newsletter every other month & offers resource & referral ser- vices. For more info write PO Box 82, Milton, VT 05468-3525. Vermont Lesbian & Gay Parents - Monthly Sunday Pot Luck Brunch. See the Calendar listing for dates. Call 660- 2713 for location and more info. HELP WANTED Outright Vermont desperately needs energetic volunteers for our Fundraising Committee. If you are interested in help- ing, call the Outright office at 864-9677. H.O.W.L. a women’s land trust in Hunt- ington, VT is looking for 3 carekeepers to live in the farm house in exchange for greeting/promoting/maintaining the pro- ject. Collective spirit a must responsible women may call 878-1707 for more info. Part-Time Administrative Assistant po- sition available at Vermont Human Rights Commission. Sole support staff for HRC, working 5 half-days per week. Needed skills: office management, ac- counting, budget preparation, computer literacy in WordPerfect, Lotus and a data base program, ability to interact sensitively with people by telephone. Starting salary: approx. $10,000 per year, plus state benefits. Equal» op- portunity employer, encouraging ap- plicants of multi-cultural backgrounds, persons with disabilities, and others of non—majority status to apply. Deadline for applications; September 20. Contact Susan Sussman, Executive Director, Hu- man Rights Commission, 133 State St., Montpelier, VT 05633-6301. HOUSING UVM Grad Student seeks house with housemates: non-smoker, mostly mel- low dyke. Guitar wake-ups, fresh bread. Call Anya 617-576-2802. Waterbury. Housemate wanted to share farmhouse and organize gardens. Pets ne- gotiable (have dog) Call Amy 244-1203. Professional, Responsible, Non- politically correct male, 30+, seekes same to share house or country apt in the N.E. Kingdon/Burke Mt area. Look- 66 Main St. (Upstairs) Paozzca fl. Walt M94. ‘Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor .. Loss & Grief 0 Sexuality Meditation & Movement (Small Group Retreats) ‘ ' (802) 388-0933 Middlebury, VT 05753 September 1993 ing for someone who is considerate and pet friendly. Please call 467-1013. NETWORKING Game Ends Social and activities club for men of the Northeast Kingdom. Changing events including board games, outdoor activities, bowling, speakers, movies or other functions. Call 748- 5849 for more info., get on the mailing list, or sponsor an activity. Greater Central Vermont Area gay men’s support/social network is alive and welcoming new members. Weekly meetings, social alternatives, and networking, etc. Contact Box 301, Montpelier, VT 05602 or call (802) 244-1488. Middlebury Area Anyone interested in forming a Middlebury area‘ gay/lesbian group, please contact Cleland E. Selby at 388-3729 (h) or 537-4101 (w). Meditation-G/Bi/Aware men also inter- ested in meditation. Let’s be in touch. 482-3528. New to Burlington? Social group of les- bians 35+ getting started now. Call 864- 7898 and join us in welcoming each other to Burlington! Northeastern University School of Law Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Caucus is compiling a list of alumnae for social networking, pro- fessional and organizing purposes. Send name, address and telephone number to: Lesbian Gay Bisexual Caucus, Northeastern University Schoool of Law, 400 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115. Rural Culture Gays and lesbians interested - in nature, gardening, country living, support and networking. monthly meetings. Please write to PO Box 115, Guildhall, VT 05905 for info. Southern Vermont any men wanting to practice the teachings of Joseph Kramer call Win at (802) 875-3770. Green Mountain Feminist Counseling Service Carol E. Cohen M.S.W. 0 Life and Career Change 0 Lesbian and Gay Positlve 0 Substance Abuse 0 Lesbian and Gay Positive 0 Sliding Fee Individuals, Couples Burlington. 864-5595 19