Out in the Mountains Nationalllnternational News Nevada Sodomy Law Repealed Carson City, NV - Nevada Governor Bob . Miller signed into law a bill to repeal Ne- vada’s sodomy statute on June 16, 1993. This marks the first legislative repeal of a sodomy law since 1986 when the U.S. Su- premem Court ruled in Bowers v. Hardwick that homosexual sodomy is not constitu- tionally protected. Fiist-year Nevada state senator Lon’ Lipman Brown introduced the bill to repeal the law. The 82 year old law was previously amended in 1977 to apply to sexual activity between members of the same sex only. The repeal measure passed both chambers by a more than two to one vote, following intense lobbying efforts by Nevadans for Constitutional Equality and the Nevada Association of Criminal Justice. (Washington Blade) Colorado Supreme Court Blocks Amendment2 Denver, CO — By a 6-1 majority, the Col- orado Supreme Court in July upheld a lower court injunction against Amend- ment 2, the anti—gay rights law passed by voters last November. The court said that, “fundamental rights may not be submitted to a vote”, and that the law ap- peared to violate the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution. The Court found that the measure would “fence out” homosexuals from the polit- ical process by prohibiting legal pro- tection of a single group. “No other iden- tifiable group faces such a burden, No other group’s ability to participate in the political process is restricted and en- cumbered in a like manner. Such a struc- turing of the political process is contrary to the notion that the concept of ‘We The People’ visualizes.” Amendment 2 has lead to a boycott of Colorado that has cost the state more than $35 million in lost connvetion busi- ness. Petitions for measures similar to Amendment 2 are currently circulating in Florida, Maine, Idaho, and Michigan, all campaigns backed by the religious right. (New York Times, Washington Blade) NY Republicans Kill Civil Rights Bill Albany, NY — Republican senators, meeting behind closed doors, killed an attempt to pass a statewide lesbian and gay civil rights bill without allowing it to come to the floor for public debate. The bill passed the New York stae As- sembly by a vote of 90-50, after a 20 year effort. Republican Majority Leader Ralph Marino killed the bill telling re- porters “I am throughly convinced that my conference doesn't want this bill passed and therefore it will not see the floor. I oppose discrimination but I’m not sure you can legislate against it”. This despite a statement by Marino ear- lier in the year that he supported “rea- sonable measures” to bar discrimination. It was a bitter blow to the lobbying ef- forts of the Pride Agenda, Gay Men’s Health Crisis, New York Civil Liberties Union and a host of labor, religious and good governement groups. (Community) Ohio Rep. Introduces Bill to Prohibit Domestic Partner Inclusion Columbus, OH — On July 20, 1993 Rep- resentrative Fox introduced legislation in the Ohio House of Represenatives that would prohibit state universities and colleges from opening “family housing” to same sex couples (by listing who could live in such housing) and pro- hibiting the universities and colleges from providing insurance coverage to same sex partners of employees. (Action Alert) po Box 220 (802) 888-4100 Office Hyde Park, Vermont 05655-0220 (802) 888-2977 Home VALERIE WHITE Humanist Minister American Humanist Association Naming: - Weddings - Union Ceremonies - Memorial Services "Fool Head and Shoulders above the crow " Introducing... §\\ '\ ,1/2 hr Head, Neck, and Shoulder ' Massage Leah Winenberg 864-6764 14