Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel LLDK; ANOTHER ONE. @1993 BYALISON as/:HDEL OH, GIIME A BREAK. ISN'T OUR V F1FTE£h/MINUTES wan’; 5oREvoLVT1or~lAI!y : AeouTNE|vI5H£ I JUST DorJ'T‘fk-JSTIT. I. MEAN. WOULD 5oM£oN£ PLEASE EXPLAINTO ME EK rztuue us WHAT wave in 5:9? urswws ARE Ra=LAcma$1'EP!£R0oK$ in THE Dzmxvi-:n> czssm or/Miusmem AVERIMKI cutrurel LEMME ‘mu YA, we Dnwr mow wnav we mo ITGOOD.’ MOVING INVISIBL)’, Bemr, cum OUTSIDE" mar‘: NHERETHE REAL, Susvcksivr. _ Lies! RIGHT, THEA? " - 39CEN1'IAE1’ER$. -.- V -. 39 wE£Ks!BAey'; ‘ COMING Mano so NEXT MNDAV IS S‘nu.'rHE DUE DAT!-1?Arl‘/' I./Ay-m Pl/SH ir BACKA FEW DA)’: .? LETME GIVE YOU VRIENDL)’ TIP, CLARKE. DDJT GET‘Ibo HUNG UP ON KEEHNG A TIl.HT _ SCHEDULE FDKTHE NEXT, SA‘/, -1 EIGHTEEN VEAR5 CIR .50. M ‘ \\ ---»..«»w.--.z‘.'::::I'u‘\w,m= NO WAY. susvexsuvz .__‘ - MA REHJBIJL A05. Y'KNO\J, >’oU'kE Assowrw RIGHT.’ Suarrznwc, me Mym THAT LESEIANS Akevir REAL PEOPLE 15 am: 5/u6L£ nosr errtcnvr-: mu. m courrrzxwc THE RMIP/Wl'HOIMPHoBlA AND Mlsasyw m Joel: TYTDDAY. oH, PlEASE.ciAzuce! war Do>0UwMrM:1vvo?$1'ANn oNMY IIAO Fall A week? ur ,1 THE BAD)’ comes, YOU'LL .TU$T HAVETO Rzscnsnut vow: BIG CouR1'RooM SCENE.’ eflj 3-1” A IEEZ. Mo CHANGED HER Posmou So FAST on LESBIAN vmsiury our male, 1’ Tnouan swab 6&7 om IP- lA5H CHASSMAN z§@ £12-862-4332 BQOKSELLERS We are proud to carry the area's largest selection of gay, lesbian, and bisexual books and magazines. 81 Church St., Burlington, VT 1-800-NEW BOOK Special orders welcome ll LOOK. Daft FnU\1'E untrue DUE DATE. IT'S Just»: Aersoxwmou. * ouLy 5 PEKCENT oF BABIES Nzfiiluy Amuva on :1. MDSTCOME SHE IZEMINDS ME OF REX NHEU HE WAS A PUPPY- LATER, 11"; KNDOFCUTE ---'-""5 September 1993 Creating Change... Creating Community Hundreds of lesbian, gay and bi Ver- monters will assemble on Saturday, De- cember 4th for a major statewide gath- ering and conference being planned by the Vermont Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men. Creating Change... Creating Community: Shaping Vermont’s Lesbian/Gay/Bi Fu- ture will be an all day event featuring na- tionally prominent speakers, workshops, caucuses, entertainment and community building. The conference will also serve as a kickoff for a revitalized and stronger statewide coalition. “We think it is important that, after vic- - tories like the civil rights bill, hate crimes and important legal opinions, we take the opportunity to sit down together 4 as a community and ask ourselves: What’s next?” said Terje Anderson, part of the ad hoc group organizing the event. “It isn’t just the political and legal ques- tions we’re talking about, but also how we can make sure that there is a viable community throughout the state." i The working group is beginning to meet to plan the event, and welcomes addi- tional participation as they map out workshops, speakers, outreach and other parts of the event. Anyone interested in participating should contact Terje at 862-2361, Keith Goslant at 454-8552, or Mary at 482-3927. V Patronize our Advertisers \//xv/xv/xv/\\//xv/\\//\\//\>«//\\7_ MARTHA A. WILMOT Nationally Certified Massage Therapist Brettleboro, Vermont (802) 38712660 Sports /\ Swedish\/ Shiatsu , /\__\_.,/__/_,\,\//xv/\\//\\//_\\/_/xv/\_\//\\//xi