Out in the Mountains Coming Out Week Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel you may be aware of National Coming .440’; cam on HERCO-1./oIzK£RREACMEffl TURBO'llAR6£DP|T(Il. . ." '- \ ‘ '. - K Out Day, October 11, but did you know -‘ nocturne - .f§Ar;S.me 5°+3.:;Ae;5;;e;go that this is the third year that Coming , ~_, ‘ {or ‘ '— IUSTSO/izffilfife? : ,, . . ' ‘ u '— '1 Out Week Wlll be celebrated in Ver- ' L.Z'T£;V;l;E,R_;_ oM1HlsN1(,H1 mont? The GLBA (Gay, Lesbian, Bi- _‘ oU,,w,mm, sexual Alliance) at the University of ""“T‘f)5 W’ _ _ ‘ . _ _ ACTS 0F 0 N I u ‘ Vermont has won four national lead- ership awards for their involvement in ~ @993 g,,,‘,_,m; BE(,,DEL' - past Coming Out Week events. ’ ' ‘ ' ‘ ’ CN« I Jon 5 Ho1’ANl> aaruzxen. CAN'T sLEEEoNMy BAcx. . . CAN'1’_SLEEP on My 51’ow\cH. . . HEARTBURN wM£Nr ua jggz, TONI. WHAT [>0 >90 The focus of Coming Out Week is a cel- ebratory one, including many affirming, positive events. There will be musical performers, such as Romanovsky and Phillips, who always delight, and speak- ers such as feminist theologian, Virginia Rarney Mollenkott, who will talk about Eros as a spiritual urge. COMFORTASIE.’ ..—_+"- , A new event this year will be a parade to kick off the week long celebration. The _ plan is to raise the rainbow flag on the 1. NoP£_ Lg’, ‘M M2X§.¥°§’§E*:‘;‘fA?/R?‘ UVM campuy green and then move it ‘ ' " ;, "”°”E““’“’ about campus. Maybe we can all raise our flags that week! Look for the insert in this issue of OIT M and the Calendar section for details. F or more information call Dot Brauer at (802) 656—0505.V Looking For... AHH , we was WAT A Buucu or PRE- HISTORIL PATRIARUK ". . . A c/um ous HALT HALFWAY BRING ; Goon FORTUNE. some THROUGH To me END ‘E »- . BRINGS MISFOKTUNE." -' IT‘; BEEN A Lone TIME, J'uNE. I w’;wT-ro so SLOW. LETS CONSULT OITM is working on a story about aging in our community and is looking for peo- ple to interview (anonymously or not, as desired). If you are interested in par- ticipating, please call Carol at (802) 434- ' V V 3317 or write to OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington, VT 05041. V (802)878-5600 BUS., 878-0096 FAX (800) 488-5609 BUSINESS Auewenorntseansrmucmusvwom (802)862-1375 RESIDENCE , cowmeu JACQUELINE L. MARINO BANKER CI REALTOR‘ DOLDWELL BANKER REALTY MART GOLDEN THREADS a contact publication for lesbians over 50 and women who love older women. Canada and U.S. Confidential, wan'n reliable. For free information send sell-addressed envelope: (U.S. residents please stamp it). Sample copy 22 MAIN ST. ' . Q ESSEX JUNCTION, VT o5452 mafled dscm°fly' $500 U'S' funds’ An Independently OwnedandOpfid“ olColdwall Banker Residential Alfilialaa. lnc. E0. - I 10