Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel IAM Couceaueo ABOUT THE BABY.'lF I now um ms m.im THE REST oFouR FRSNATAL cLAss:; or: 51.5: \'H ASKING .SOMEoNE ELS Em at My PRIMARY 5UFR>KT. _ r.4.‘_'};._. ..l.\\‘. YfAH,oKA7’ A BIG, Rom Asinote. c’mN, on NE'LL/HIS} " ‘IHE DANG CZA55. HE)’, u/Mr A~Vl5KAToK? Au Ex wwo MIRKX Ar was PLEASURE Hr GAVE Ne -runs . BUT I M29101 HAVE ONE LIKE IT. Yowo»,/, ITHINKTNEA Mo, Gm; Iron SHE'S weu.£ALL ME ISA'|'TRALT‘EDTOME.TO0. /cwzmzv. IF You wmm FussY.BUT I I M1 SF»l§E‘rHA'rmND serum, com: um new PREFER HAVING or £NER6y Fxom THE Lo\/E‘rUrJNEL10NIGHT. 5Ex NA Pmce . - IT'S mm JIWLER. wear: Mysuoer - -2. n. .. DON'T 5ncK’r0 HEY» L015. REMEMBER I MALiKh’5 YEAH! SHE'S comm wAs some Bokxcu >'ouR CoMIr.G?’lHA‘f' sm ram wHoLEMoN’l‘>1 (AR? Mtnwy FLIGHT G|?EAT,QN6£R! THIS 1mg. FoR orJCE,LoI)' Ger: M AT 7: IO. Ln/E \.DN"r as 111: oNL~/ or! IT UP. Germs AN‘) Amen AROUMD Hams. . .1 5-, -,. 0; as S‘ “J 32 N. Champlain St. Burlington VT. 05401 802/864 0 7198 0 FAX 802/658 0 1556 uH...yeAH. sure. I I COULD MAIL‘) USE IT or! My NECK. September 1993 Hidden From History Course Community College of Vermont (CCV) will offer a 3 credit course en- titled Hidden From History: Homo- sexuality and Western Civilization, in the fall semester. The course will be a survey-of attitudes of various societies toward homosexuals and homo- sexuality from the beginnings of Western Civilization to contemporary times. The class will include dis- cussion, assigned reading from text- books and handouts, videos, weekly lectures, reports and two term pro- jects. Taught by Charles Edmond, the course will meet on Tuesday evenings from 6-9 pm starting September 14 and running to December 16. It is a 3 credit, graded course and will be held at the Springfield CCV site. For more information or to register, contact CCV at 380 River St, Springfield, VT 05165, (802) 886-2748.V Human Rights Commission Update Jim Morgan Since the enactment of the “lesbian and gay rights” bill on July 1st, 1992, the Vermont Human Rights Commission has begun in- vestigation of six complaints of dis- crimination based on sexual orienta- tion. Two of these complaints allege disparate treatment in the area of housing, while four com- plaints allege discrimination in the area of public accommodations. If you "believe that you have been discriminated against because of your sexual orientation, you can call the Vermont Human Rights Commission at 828-2480 (voice/ TTD) , 133 State St., Montpelier, VT 05633-6301.V Give a eubecription to Out In The Mountains as a gift!