Out in the Mountains Vermont’s SIT Launches Lesbian, Gay, Bi Studies Program The School for International Training (SIT) in Brattleboro announced that it is launching the first-ever U.S. under- graduate lesbian, gay, bisexual study abroad program. It will be held in the Netherlands starting in February. The se- mester long program, open to students at- tending colleges and universities throughout the U.S., will feature inter- disciplinary seminars on life and culture of the Netherlands, a country with a long history of tolerance. Faculty from the University of Utrecht and the University of Amsterdam will lecture on lesbian, gay and bisexual studies. Representatives from numerous organizations will par- ticipate as well. The curriculum will in- clude such topics as social theories of sexuality, homosexuality and the law, lesbian and gay families, and a survey of lesbian and gay literature. Students will receive language training and have home stays with Dutch fam- ilies, including lesbian and gay families. Field trips are planned to Copenhagen and/or Berlin, homes of Europe’s largest gay communities. An increasing number of U.S. universities and colleges offer a lesbian, gay, and bisexual studies ‘cur- riculum, including Brown University, the University of Massachusetts/Arnherst, and Middlebury College. SIT’s program is the first study abroad program to be dedicated to the topic. For more information on the program and SIT, write SIT, College Semester Abroad, PO Box 676, Brattleboro, VT 95302-0676 or call ( 802) 451-4465.V Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel HELL oF COURSE I MIND , cwuce I BUT IF you cuff com: , 7oU 0\N’T cons. I Jus-r wusu >‘oU'D cer)ouR ’-T’ ' srwcu-r _I ,,i:(l-.2. 0 , , Hmwsoo _ BABE, LISTEN. I REALL1 c/WT GET AWAV THIS AFTERNOON. Do mu MIND Gould 11! JEE THE MIWIFE HFIHOUT NE,JU5T THIS ONCE 7’ stcrex, AT1NE TONI, wuau >ou‘r60 um RADIANT.’ ur IA 11115 new fob .’ usr moms»: ' _— - mnzwvs R£AD>’1D see you. _, wastes‘; amce’? wsszo oux PRENATAL cuss. I A ,: ‘~ ‘ M’ =_: rm, LIKE SHE'S BACKING ou1oMM£. ' 3 ...:,<:‘..::; V ' 1.50 E i V‘ o _ ‘f Kl ,0 DJ: ) /" (NE , /V C?“ I / . . #6! I I in T 7»). r 0H, DON'T vow, Dunn’. I-mu: cmgznce is 11161: Foe M1). M75: SHES JUST uouuks or HERRc1£. Son£~ TIMES IT'S wow RJRTIIE MNBIIXOGICAL NbIA‘lD KNOW 9‘A(Tl)’ WHERF» SHE ms in. 7:5, BUT 9+9 5AVS111ERI} Murmur. Socow Do. IT’: SHE JU$‘rr£€°S'm PUT IN A L01’ uF ‘rm; K|GHTN°W- LEFT HM Awmlev MIRIAM.’ m uorcomc —mI.£Alt mm A LESBIAN HER.’ Basnnzs, r vorrr 1HmK‘m£7 - s Lam»! comuuiy Mme. as“ HM. 5ouMv5A air LIKE My Ev-HUSBAND HHN 1 VOUGNGOAHEADMD GETON1HETABLE. .’ , wcvg 6oTA LOVEU _ FEARTBEAT HERE. ll/15 ‘ . uowms cwucz, ,, ' AND sue rm _ . ‘ 1115 M87 Klct’ 1,; . 1 In N its Bun’! _ Psychiatry". ‘ I 177 Battery Street Marianne.Marsh. M.D. _ I _. Burlington Vermont 05401 " Mansfield Psychotherapy Associates 802-865-3230 Janet K. Brown, MA,C.AC Jean Townsend, M.A. Licensed Psychologist Certified Mental Certified Alcohol Counselor Health Counselor 0 ACOA - IDENTITY ISSUES - TRAUMA AND LOSS 0 DEPRESSION Individuals Couples Families Milton, VT (802) 893-4816 Burlington, VT (802) 863-8162 05/94