A Better Sex Life Paul Olsen Approximately 35 men attended the July 28, 1993 “Hot Sum- mer Sex!” seminar presented by the Vermont Committee for AIDS Resources, Education and Services (C.A.R.E.S.) as part of a grassroots campaign against the transmission of HIV in Vermont. Facilitated by Terje Anderson, Dave Landers, Craig Mitchell, Larry Murrill, David Steady and Vermont C.A.R.E.S. HIV/ADDS Education Coordinator John Olson, the evening was the first in a series of peer education sessions planned. Recognizing that humor is an effective way to break in- hibitions around issues of sexuality, the seminar was designed to be both playful and serious. Role playing, brainstonning, small group discussions, and games contributed to the comfort level in the room. According to John Olson, providing a safe environment where people can feel comfortable talking about sex and HIV transmission is a step towards creating and main- taining a healthy life. Additionally, peer support is seen as crit- ical in the adoption and maintenance of safer sex practices by men who have sex with men. Those attending the seminar found the session relaxed and the information helpful. This seminar marked the beginning of the educational com- ponent of C.A.R.E.S.’ safer sex initiative in Chittenden, Wash- ington, Addison, and Rutland counties. The success of this night indicates that many men want accurate information re- garding the transmission of HIV and that they can have fun learning it. V ”Food for people, not for profit” September 1993 FRESH WHOLESOME ORGA4, The bounty is in... Revel in the harvest 274 North Winooski Ave. Burlington 863-3659 M-S 9:30-7:30 Never on Sunday in the summer Reopening on Sunday Sept. 5 — 12 to 5 SClOO:l '|VNOI.LN3l\NO3 ‘'9 3| .. 959 Passions. e Friday, Sept. 10 Women ’s Dance $6.00 5-9 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 16 Juice Bar $3.00 cover 10 p.m. (All other Thursdays of the month, Free DJ.) Saturday, Sept 18 Ladies Lounge . $6.00 7-10 p.m Sunday, Sept. 19 Brunch See menu next column 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Friday and Saturday Door Cover Policy Before 9:00 pm Free 0 9:00 - 10:00 pm $1.00 After 10:00 pm $3.00 Pearls 135 Pearl Street 0 Burlington, Vermont cfioose Welhmne to ?earEs Sunday Brunch #33? :BreaEfast Burrito OR 3 cfieese omelétte Sausage or fBacon .’H'omefries zifuefierry crumli squares t&m :BrealEfast :Burrito .................... "$3.50 3 C/ieese Omektte ..................... ..$3.5o Omefette witfi 2 fillings ........... ..33.75 clieexe, mwfiroonu, iyinacfi. onions, green _pe_p_pzr:, Eacon or sausage Two eggs & Toast ..................... ..:1.75 Side of sausage or Bacon. ....... "$1.25 Side of.’H'omefi'ies .................... ..51.oo Bfuefierry crumfi squares ...... ..:1.oo liexercages Co_fl‘ee or Tea. ........................... ..$1.oo juices ........................................ ..$.75 Mimosa: .............. .1. ....... ..:2.25 {Mary Tearfi ............................ ...¢2.5o " fulffiar a£so availlzfife " 8 }‘oad'_pre_pare¢{& coo£ed'Ey CIie_fCind'y 8 X 'I1ian£ youfor coming toyearfi X