Out in the Mountains Gay & Lesbian Pride Spoken Here ! Books, Clothing, Jewelry, Crafts, Magazines, T-shirts, Bumperstickers, Pins, Support your local Gay & Lesbian book 8: gift shop! All proceeds benefit the Peace & Justice Coalition KAVAVAYA‘ Peace on Earth Store 21 Church St. Burlington, Vermont 863-8326 J; Write Auntie Pearl Dear Auntie Pearl, I went to the march in Washington and had just a fabulous time! All those hundreds of thousands of lesbians and gay men taking over the city! Now, I‘m back in Vermont and everything is such a letdown. I’m a nurse, and everyone at work keeps talking about their husbands, their children, and their boy- friends. And I’m dying to tell them about rid- ing with the Dykes On Bikes contingent to the White house and chanting for Hillary to come on out! And to tell them about the great t-shirt that one guy was wearing that said “That’s Mister Faggot to you!”. But I can’t because I might lose my job. During the late shift, when no one’s looking, I have this irrational urge to break all the plastic frames holding their hetero- compulsive snapshots, and to rip those pho- tos into a million little pieces. How can I con- trol myself? How do I make the transition back to real life? You have wisdom. Help me! Maladjueted in Vermont Dear Vermont, Who is maladjusted here? Certainly not you. Certainly not the other million souls similarly considering photocide these past weeks. My dear, you are in culture shock. While you were at the march, you felt safe to simply be yourself. No word editing. No hesitant touching. No ignorant slurs in need of your re- buff. You (dare we say?) RELAXED. Now you’re back at work, where every- one but you has the above privileges. Be- cause you’re so relaxed and open, you’re unable to ignore a fact you used to take in stride: there are rights you don’t have which others take for granted. Now is the time to turn to: Your Auntie Pearl’s Decompression Guide To Re-Entry 1. You are in a powerful moment of in- sight and clarity. Be proud of it. 2. Tap into your anger. Take political ac- tion. Organize. Give time/money. Do creative work. 3. Talk to friends. You’re not alone. They need you as much as you need them. V 13 MAIN ANTIIJUES SIJLLESTIBLES 8: MORE STUFF PLUS GLASS A Group Shop Hans Christensen 10 AM - 5 PM - Closed Wednesday 13 Main Street - Vergennes, Vermont 0549-1 802-877-0022 - 877-0055 Evenings and Appointments