July/August 1993 Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel Legal Document Workshop NENSFLASH.’ "A R£c£NT sex runway o¥ D'>bu nwmww OH, CO"\E‘N0\nI,GIUCEf~.’ were Twsurvsonmnuas R£vEALs THA'rAN\1»16 Mu m=.~u LESBIAN! mrr A uolesfi/Ans!/we n= THERE wear , - , ° g;;>;o~g;;gfDW ,gg§7;'m"EglGf;;*‘jJ>’ _ “"‘W'1EW( ‘W 5U(K‘§;gK'_‘§‘;§{,,m Continued from page 10 (WT FoRLuK& PERRY AND Psi-:5iD9rrcuHToN, swam eamwvco wmnmcmm WHILE 6Av MEN TAPPED MARKV MARK MD -- V g p __ _» Mxculw Forzsone Gav. For heterosexual, married couples the ability to make decisions for your in- capacitated spouse is a given. Entering the emergency room is also granted. These rights are not automatic for those in a lesbian/gay partnership. For these reasons alone, having a durable power of attorney for health care is important. TOM CRUISE." PERIOD. END OF PARAGMH-| _ mar.