Out in the Mountains Rural Culture Founded in February, Rural Culture draws together those who share an inter- est in horticulture, agriculture, ecology, and self—sustaining farming. With 37 \ members, the group is growing rapidly and welcomes all. To obtain a copy of the newsletter send a SASE to : Rural Culture, PO Box 115, Guildhall, VT 05905 or for more info and the date and location of the next meeting call Clint at 644-8865 or Craig at 563-2938. V Still Seeking Back Issues Thanks to Dot Brauer and Carrie Coy for their generous donations of back issues of Out in the Mountains for the Vermont Historical Society Archives. We are still looking for copies of a few rare issues: Vol 1 #8 (Sept 86), Vol IV #9 (Dec 89) and Vol V #2 (April/May 90). If you have any or all of these issues and are willing to donate them to complete the archives please send them to OITM, PO Box 177, Burlington, VT 05402 or con- tact Deb Lashman (660—27l3).V Legal Document Workshop Moira For probably longer than we should have, my partner-and I have put off do- ing some of the necessary paperwork that would ensure our rights and wishes if we were incapacitated or terminally ill. I guess like most people we just didn’t want to think about this unpleasantness. Seeing the Legal Documents Workshop on the VT Pride Day Flyer made us re- alize again all the reasons why this is es- pecially important for same sex couples. _ Continued top of next page. Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel _ HeRz‘5A>Joriiei< siiimm, HUH? oH.vooi«us1 SMELL . HE7’.lDoK.’ ‘ THEA. T,UH...I REALLY THE FLEAANDTICKSHAMPUO rIu$16oTBA'rHUis ME BNK- GIVING A SAFE Sax Dim STAB-E AT 11; 2A Lty. ‘EH/\T'5 Arnie L£mAu5 A-lo MARTINA‘! Haw. Arll>TlM‘r',r ND5 ACTION. MELISSA E1‘HeKiva£'5 HAND J'eEz,Loi5,’ I DIDN'T evwsii me MLL‘/, ms /V\ARCH'TI!JK5O LONGTD Germsze. AND Him you GETTO DONLTHIS srurm I V SPENTTHC Ei:riRE WEEKEND L057 :,: omwz marks on s‘rANDNéMw ' cerrmo SKIAI CANCER. . i my YEAH, AND N01 JUSTW LOVE Line. I mow THIS Mm)-I war EVEN BIGGBUII Kwl>oF Losnsorieiiow. I /'\EArJ,BA$£- «. em, HDTRDGS, AMDGAYS NTHEMIUTI ls Norm; Aseiim I SIGNED UPFo1.=’ 1' THAT’: N61’ ‘FRUE: '40.’ YOU ALSO SPENTA LoToF'riMi-: osssssmc. ABOUT NHETHER >/ou'D RUN INTD HARRIETAND Eugu mwc, A sFm~I1mEou; Klss-IN $oMEwHERE. . CH,RlGHT :1 SIGH-'.'— R£r’lEiviB&k?‘rHA1'5 How HARRIET AND I FIRST iKA Miii-wly Cowl? sumo m RJLL 92255 Umfinm WAS /’rLir—iL£ WHY ARE WE SUZAMDLING FBKA PIECE OFTHE PIE NHEHHE PIE I5 ROTTEN? um GoT1A cums: we svsrem, NOT ceico-OPTED B7 ITIAN0 |'l'iGoNMA .scu£AM IF I HEAR ouemcke PERSON 5/*7 wsfiziz “ 51 LlKE EVER)’oN£ ELSE.’ ’ THIS GREAT SHOT I GOT OF CLARKE AND A MEMBER OF THE SEARS FPMNCML NETWORK (802) 878-5600 BUS., 878-0096 FAX (800)488-5609 BUSINESS (802)862-1375 RESIDENCE Woodweaver Construction cougmeu, JACQUELINE L. MARINO _ _ ' BANKER E! REALTOR” Residential Remodeling General Carpentry Fully Insured - Free Estimates . . E] COLDWELL BANKER Melinda Scott ‘ m l: _ REALTY MART Natalie Grant 5° nu: 22MA|Ns1'_ £7 RR1, BOX 2562, 7 Q ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 1 - Huntington, VT 05462 -,-,,-,,,_—= (802)434-5262 An Independently Owned and Operated Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Affiliates. Inc. 10