;Ray Of Hope In Vermont Robert Hooker - There is a movement beginning in the junior and senior high schools here in Vermont that Ibelieve will prove to be very im- portant to the next generation of gay people. A group of gay- friendly teachers have been coming together under the leadership of the Vermont chapter of the National Education Association to plan a strategy to provide safe places for our teens to discuss their personal sexuality issues. The VT NEA workshops have produced several worthwhile ideas but the most prevalent one being used around the state is based on our infamous pink triangle. The teachers put a pink triangle on their classroom door and explain to their classes that they will not tolerate any unkind or inappropriate remarks about gay people. They also tell the kids that they are available to talk privately about issues of sexuality and make it clear that this is a safe and con- fidential space for them. The group met on May first in Montpelier for the second time this school year under the title of “Providing Equity And Fairness To Gay, Lesbian, And Bisexual Students In Vermont Schools”. Most of the teachers reported a positive response from both students and staff members in their schools since the first meeting. There ap- to have been a relatively small amount of negative reaction from students and parents so far but each community will have its own issues to deal with as the effort unfolds across the state. One teacher reported that 6 students have come out to her since her pink triangle went up in the fall. Another school tried to organize a gay students support group and found every one of their posters torn to shreds within one day. Fortunately, they are willing to persevere with the project and will be putting up new posters soon. Ihad the pleasure of speaking before the May meeting as part of a panel of 5 Vermonters. There was one gay student volunteer for Out- right Vermont, the director of Outright Vermont, two members of PFLAG (both mothers of gay people), and myself speaking as a gay parent of school age children. We all tried to relate our own ex- periences in the gay world and offer some personal perspective on what might be helpful directions for teachers to take in the future. It was a very rewarding day that/also included workshops on stereo- types, homosexuals in movies and videos, and group activities to use in dispelling myths. I want to take this opportunity to publicly applaud the VT NEA for it's support of our gay teens. I know that I am not alone when I say that it has taken me many years to come to grips with my homo- sexuality and anything that we can do to help people through this process is extremely important. It's about accepting ourselves, it's about accepting each other, and it's about time! V ADULT VIDEOS 0 NOVELTIES 0 MAGAZINES * VIDEO EXCHANGE * * 21 Stowe Street Waterbury * 244-7004 VIDEO RENTAL CLUB - GREETING CARDS 0 LEATHER GOODS 0 New Items For Constantly Changing Inventory Visit Our Bargain Table - Large Selection, Low Prices Hours: M-F 10-9 0 Sat. 10-5 July/August1993 FRESH WHOLEVSOME ORGA4, On those hot, sultry days — Partake of ourcooL natural choices! 274 North Winooski Ave. Burlington 863-3659 M-S 9:30-7:30 Never on Sunday in the summer Reopening on Sunday, Sept. 12 SGOO:l 1VNO|.l.N3I\NO3 9 3| Friday, July 9 Women ’s Dance Friday, August 6 $6.00 5-9 p.m. Thursday, July 15 Juice Bar Thursday, August 19 $3.00 cover 9 p.m. (All other Thursdays of the month, Free D.J.) Saturday, July 17 Ladies Lounge Saturday, August 21 $6.00 7-10 p.m Saturday, July 31 Noel Live at Pearl’s after 10 p.m catch her dragging her stuff.. Friday and Saturday Door Cover Policy Before 9:00 pm Free - 9:00 - 10:00 pm $1.00 After 10:00pm $3.00 Pearls 135 Pearl Street 9 Burlington, Vermont