Out in the Mountains Ferron at the Flynn My partner and I are usually guarded when we touch in public. There is often a safe. distance between us. Walking in to the Flynn to see Ferron, our hands slid into each others She pulled me through the crowd, mostly women, mostly smiling, like a reunion. Our bodies moved as if we were at home, our familiarity with each other ac- knowledged. We had a birds—eye view from the balcony, looking down on a sea of old friends, watching new ones being made, laughter bouncing around them all. And when the lights went dim, a strong clapping brought Ferron and her ac- companist Shelley Jennings onto the stage. We were treated to a very long, emotional, all-out performance. Woven through the classics were a few new songs. All were sung and played with the heart and soul that one has grown to expect from this woman. In between were anecdotes, sto- ries, the wanderings of Ferron’s busy mind. She is funny. And personal. And tru- ly a poet singing our song. As she encouraged the audience to sing their parts, adding to her angelic sounds, the whole place was lifted higher. “Sound painting”, she said as she danced around in the shower of purple—red light and our voices. The additional guitar, played beau- tifully by Shelley, led to a wondrous blend of strengths and softness, as the two im- provised their way through old favorites and new uncharted domain. A new album is scheduled to be released before this year is over titled The Driver. Ferron has a beat... as she had all of us snapping along, encouraging the audi- ence to be cool in a group... we were swept, willingly along... yeah, she’s still cool... and anyone who was there left knowing they were too. Thanks Ferron, for gracing Burlington one more time, with your poetry in song and with the warm handshake and friendly pen ex- tended in the lobby afterwards! V Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel, . own. nus ls Tusr GREAT, LOIS. " TIZYAND Ruse» u; 10 An _ mmwo you m GONNA 9: ' ABOVE :1, Mo. uggl lNO77OKT\J|lELY TRAPPED OVERNIGHT ONA But mm LUCKY THE)’ Hill‘ Brow HARRIE1/NDTHA1...fllITHO0MN. r l as ' 5 1,’ 7 Jim’; LEFT; on. PAH GASKET, _ _ WK GALS HAVE FOKSAKEN Lois’: AGED VW FOR A MORE PUBLIL MEANS or fir .;k g 9:‘ éfl //,7‘E {. ./A , o \ NEE? vi ll/.7. A Afw’%*“.‘,, I'LL LET you HAVE 114: Ann; so yaucml FLJR1 wmv rm.-'4 /«Fm: UL’ MAXINE Mop; aFF. «Bur :13 A Lode. S-rKAM(,g 1121;’ Fat? ow: HEROINE. HA1-L)’ 0; s\d’‘1H£ 0' . ? 1«yl£B|lrlK)' Ir’ J“. 4K”WI_rmATE AIIEMBEHOFTHESEAHSFNANCIALNETWORK cowmeu qmxen ca REALTOR’ (802) 878-5600 BUS.. 878-0096 FAX (800)488-5609 BUSINESS (802) 862-1375 RESIDENCE JACQUELINE L. MARINO Partners in Growth & Recovery, Inc. Family Therapists Erica Marks, M.A., S.A.C., A.C.H. Giita Clark, M.A. Sherry Hunt, M.A., A.C.H. An Independently Owned and f‘, COLDWELL BANKER REALTY MART 22 MAIN ST. Q ESSEX JUNCTION, VT 05452 ed Member of Coldwell Banker Residential Alflliales. Inc. State Certified Addictions Specialist on Staff Sliding Fee Scale 182 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401 - 865-2403J 10