h M “,1-Iomophobia: Respecting Differences "Lyndon State College in the Alexander Twilight Theater. 8:30am-3:30pm. 8:00 .pm there will be a dance entitled, “Music “on The Move”. Conference fee, $20.00 Sipaid in advance, $25.00 at the door. Con- tact NEVGALR, c/o UMBRELLA WOM- .ENS CENTER, 1 PROSPECT AVE., ST. 'JOHNSBURY, VERMONT 05819. 2 Scholarships are available upon request. “Worcester Pride Celebration Second lannual Worcester, MA Pride Celebration liand March. Featured speakers include dDonna Red Wing, Worcester native and Advocate Woman of the Year, Jennifer Firestone, Coordinator of Lesbian, Gay “land Bisexual Family and Parenting Ser- '1 vices, Fenway Community Health Cen- “tar, and Albert Toney, Worcester police '1 officer and founder of Gay & Lesbian Coalition of Central MA. Contact Worcester Lesbian, Gay, & Bisexual Pride ‘93 Committee, c/o PO Box 427, Midtown Mall, Worcester, MA 01614. i r 23 7] LVGLP (Vermont Lesbian & Gay Par- 1 ents) Potluck Monthly potluck for lesbian and gay parents and their children. 11:00 am. Call 660-2713 for info. and location. I1 . 10th Anniversary International AIDS Candlelight Memorial To organize an event in your area, or find out about the 1- 9 nearest location of an event call Mobiliza- D tion against AIDS (MAA) at 1-800-24- D LOBBY. _MAA is a grassroots, non—profit 9 organization. _ 25 _ Public Meeting with Burlington Police L Department 7 pm. Fletcher Free Library, 235 College Street, Burlington. Moder- ator, Howard “Howdy” Russell. 28-30 Murder Mystery Weekend Highlands Inn, Bethlehem, NH. Call (603) 869-3978 for more info. 29 1993 RAGLC.Tag sale in Brandon. Do- nate your treasures and trash for thisanual fundraising event. Call 773-4195 for more info.and location OITM Envelope Stuffing and general meting. 10 am, 109 South Winooski Ave, Burlington. (Outright offices) Newcomers welcome. Call Deb at 660-2713 for info. OUTRIGHT VT Social Support Groups 7-9 pm in Burlington. 865-9677. Chiltern Mountain Club goes biking in Vermont. Serious road riding with dirt op- tions. Call Bob (617) 282-9192 or (802) 333-9448 for info. MCC sponsored group meeting for Fel- lowship/Friendship, Bible study & prayer 7-10 pm Christ Church Presbyterian UVM-Redstone Campus, Burlington.. (802) 899-4442. June 6-11 Training of the Trainer Institute on So- cial Justice and Diversity, Presented by DiversityWorks, a multicultural collective of social justice educators. Learn how to design and facilitate social justice and di- versity workshops. Contact Di- versityWorks, Inc. at PO Box 2335, Am- herst, MA 01004 or call (413) 256-1868 for more info. 7-13 1993 Gay Pride Boston “A Family of Pride” For info. contact Boston Pride, Inc. (617) 623-4500 x316, 457 Mt Auburn St, #3, Cambridge, MA 02193. HOWDEN COTTAGE 1531 G licjakfast Continental - No Smoking By Reservation Only 32 No. Champlain St. - Burlington, VT 05401 Bruce M. Howden 0 Proprietor 0 802 864-7198 L_ May 1993 12 1993 Gay Pride Boston Parade For info. contact Boston Pride, Inc. (617) 6234500 x316, 457 Mt Auburn St, #3, Cambridge, MA 02193. Vermont Pride Day 10th Anniversary Celebration Call (802) 864-6764 or write to Vermont Pride’93 PO Box 1752, Bur- lington, VT 05402 Pride Day Tea Dance Cruise Hosted by VGSA (Vermont Gay Social A1- tematives). Leaving Burlington’s King Street Dock at 4pm. $15 before June 1, $20 after June 1st. Contact Cliff at (802) 985-4937 for more info. 25-27 1993 Golden Threads Celebration June 25-27 at the Provincetown Inn, Province- town, MA. for more info write Golden Threads, PO Box 60475, Northampton, MA 01060-0475. - Having a party? - Own a bar or club? - Want to liven things up? Hire a comedian! 1 \I\\} 11 Affordable Demo tape In or out of town Call Paul 863-4964