Out in the Mountains Gay & Lesbian Pride _ Spoken Here ! Books, Clothing, Jewelry, Crafts, Magazines, T-shirts, Bumperstickers, Pins, Support your local Gay & Lesbian book 8: gift shop! All proceeds bandit the Peace & Justice Coalition KAVAVAVA‘ Peace on Earth Store 21 Church St. Burlington, Vermont ' 863-8326 65,, - Testing the Waters Gary Sexton Recently, the Northeast Vermonters for Gay and Lesbian Rights, (NEVGALR), held a small petition drive for the cit- izens of St. Johnsbury. The purpose of this drive was to present evidence to our Congressional leaders in Washing— ton D.C., as well as President Bill Clin- ton, that there is support in lifting the ban on gays and lesbians in the military. When NEVGALR set out to conduct this drive we felt that the success would be minimal in our response to sig- natures. In spite of suspecting the re- sponse may not be quite what was hoped for, we felt that an effort was necessary, if for no other purpose then to let St. Johnsbury know that gays and lesbians were here. Traditionally St. Johnsbury, by standards of most American cities, is a small rural community, whose composition is ba- sically Republican. St. Johnsbury is part of the notoriously famous Northeast Kingdom's conservatism. This region of Vermont is one of the most economically hard hit communities of New England and people here hold on to traditional values with a furious conservatism. We placed the petition in two area busi- nesses, a local health food store and a bookshop, believing that these busi- nesses would attract the greatest num- ber of progressive thinkers. Also we felt that most other business's here would refuse to accept this petition. The petition read as follows: We, the undersigned residents of Ver- mont, support President Clinton's lifting of the ban on gays and Lesbians serving in our military. We acknowledge that Gays and Lesbians have been making a valuable contribution to the United States military since its inception. We request that the Congress and the Joint Chiefs of Staff work with the President to recognize these honorable and ded- icated citizens. After leaving these petitions in the as- signed areas for about a month we went back to collect the signed copies. To our surprise, we found that literally hun- dreds of individuals had signed. Often when the page was filled people were using the blank backs of the petition to sign. The bookshop informed us that in the past most petition efforts that had been conducted at their shop had met with little success, not this one. The re- sponse was far greater then anyone at NEVGALR ever anticipated, and it sur- passed all expectations. The petitions have been photocopied and have been sent to both Senators Leahy and Jeffords offices, as well as the original pe- tition going to President Clinton. The re- sponse of this drive has served as an educa- tional tool to us at NEVGALR. It shows that despite the conservatism that we had come to know surrounds the gays and les- bians in St. Johnsbury, there is a large per- centage of the population that is willing to stand up and be counted as supporters of Gay and Lesbian rights. In light of this suc- cess one can only wonder if the gay and lesbian community might, on occasion, be guilty of the same negative stereotyping of which we accuse others? V 100 Main Street P.O. Box 247 Burlington, VT 05402-0247 David W. Curtis A1TORNEY AT LAW HOFF, AGEL, CURTIS, PACHT & CASSIDY, P.C. 802-864-4531 Animal Inn Carol Skon 11.0.1 Box 1980 Fairfax.Vt.05454 802-524-4574 3' BOARDING GROOMING TRAINING Claudia Cook 16