‘f May 1993 Dykes To Watch Out For By Alison Bechdel Homophobia Continued from page 10 SOMEONE LOOKS are “W ~/can. IMEAN,1/WMIT LOBBED A BRMK lT WAS AIMEDATWE lT HA3 EWTED I . THROUGH THE DIS PIA)’ COP)’ OF " I LACKED VERVE , WT A nggatlve Stereotypes from medla pres- was A LESBIIAAI BRKK Is KIMDA HAISM. wvanmex entation, and hateful messages from the pulpit of America’s religious leaders, to name a few. Homophobia strikes all who listen to its message of distorted truth and outright lies. Gays and lesbians themselves are not immune to the power of its destructive message. The conference will begin with a general morning assembly addressed by keynote on, xneurimrs A Jake! HEY. Tn 3'usTTR>'m(, ‘re LI5HTE~ on. So we SHOULD sukuo 9 AT NJ)’ RAT}:-,w£ DON'T mow Speaker Lynn G°Ye“es 3 therapist in P"i' 1ugxg'gAuo':uAu_»|i_g anti Truss uP.1HERE',nIo t>o:Tnr:~ Gerri»/(. IT on: A5 sun A m1 is IT was A LONE <'.I<££P,oxA vate practice and associate faculty mem- ABQJT W‘ LL PARAMJID OVER SOME ESTOS l?lD1f- OF LIFE HERE IN THE PDSSE Fflomflii TRADITI 5/AL _ .;. R>I5oNEDAssHoLE$!GE1‘rI~6FR9KED Qu£ER6HE11’o? TMAT3 VA Cow-rrolu. Ncfw be‘ at Goddard College‘ She was a C0 our mm G'VES’"1EM PMER. mo 6 mom ARE scny. founder of Outright Vermont and an ad- . - ,- - vocate for 13 years in the New York State School System. Her message is entitled, Celebrating Gay and Lesbian Lives. Five wokshops are scheduled: Homo- phobia, Get Over It, by Josie Juraz; Creat- ing Support For Young People, by Out- right Vermont; Legal Issues for Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals, by Attorney Susan BUT AS Soot As we 5;»; was PAREMIS w:'vz oarmem omit _ Am0ff- Coming out by David Ross waotbliks AND we wmrm mm: in ueemsuva. AT LEAST ’_ ’ . ’ mm. wwais. M00 507! ANTI-6/W me HAr£'5(0:-we our CCSW. P-Flag. (Parents and Friends Of IN'(TJ"ATI¥ETEFF0?T5 AL:&VE;T“'l:1fl’54% T "‘FTl||:ESf:£ER*:l»Gl“.5l;flA& Lesbians and Gays), by Liv Venner and I w an TH ei o E 1 . - - - Géfrwc §PEI3i0 /Etrev lov\L';HOB£! _ Renne Hrltebertel, Burlington Chapter of P-FLAG.; Religion and Homosexuality, by a panel of area religious leaders THEA,-r}1E uNE '5 Busy AT THE GAY R LESBIAN ANTI» vIoL.£MCl-L PROJECT. TRY ‘EM Aw»! IN A MINUTE AND REPORT7Hl§. I GOTTA SEE ABOUT GETTING THE \./meow REPLACED. T-'.,)\ 4 AS LONG AS ALL we WANTED w/15/A Pimrr EVERYJK/Mf,T“F7 DIDN'T eermo Homophobia: Respecting Difierences will be held at Lyndon State College in the Al- exander Twilight Theater, on May 22nd, 1993 from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. At 8:00 pm there will be a dance, Music On The Move. YEAH.’ Ir‘; xwtm THAT'S A GREAT IM6E,Lols! LIKEA zn’!THE In code To suocesr rm; A Bums» 15 P05 smear ‘THEATRE codcetr Ar srurrrmc mm THE Nexr meermc, or A GIANT PIMFLE oil LesBiAu ARTISTS umzauy $acIETy': FACE ! msr: c./srmc, ,ocnoN.' s I- gq;"l‘:J"'["“g""A“;§/’: L°'5' _ - _ - The cost for the conference is $20.00 paid gm, m.,,.<.,g or ' . in advance, $25.00 at the door. $25.00 for CHE0<'~6W"\ WT “"3 ‘ both the conference and dance if paid in §,,’ff,EE,3f,§”f,L§‘,,°§f,_ .r_ . . . ,_ advance, $30.00 if paid at the door. The >, r-\ - ' _.'~."' _ :: -. A \'v dance alone is $7.00. To register, please send your name and address, number of reserva- tions you are requesting and a check made out to NEVGALR. Mail your reservation to: NEVGALR, c/o UMBRELLA WOMENS CENTER, 1 PROSPECT AVE, ST. JOHNSBURY, VERMONT 05819. Schol- arships are available upon request. V CHASSMAN & BEM ;§l@ BOO SELLERS We are proud to carry the area’s largest selection of gay, lesbian, and bisexual books and magazines. Special Ongoing Therapy Group for orders we“-‘0m€ MALE SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL ABUSE Co—lead by: Howard Russell, M.A. & Stannard Baker, M.A. . Monday Evenings 6:30-8:30, Burlington 81 Church St" Burlmgton’ VT Some insurance accepted — Sliding fee scale 802-862.4332 1_800_]\{Ew BOOK For information call 482-2335 11 — — — .~