Out in the Mountains CLASSIFIED INFORMATION 0ITM's Classified Section features items for sale, housing opportunities, serv- ices offered and the like. Individuals may place ads at a rate of 50¢ per word with a $5.00 minimum; for businesses, the charge will be 75¢ per word with a $10.00 mini- mum. OIT M advises that you place or re- spond to ads at your own risk; we cannot screen ads for legitimacy nor assume re- sponsibility. To be considered for publica- tion, ads mustbe received by the 10th of the month. Mail to PO Box 177, Burlington VT 05402. Payment must accompany your ad copy, and we must have your full name, address, and phone number (these will be kept confidential). To respond to "Networking" ads, send in $1.00 with your replies to help us cover the costs of postage and handling. All re- plies will be forwarded to the advertiser in a sealed envelope on a weekly basis. ANNQLLNSZEMENIS FREE CLASSIFIEDS (AGAIN)! Send a Valentine's Day message to your loved one for free in the pages of OITM! Messages must include name, address, and phone number for verification (they will not be printed) and be received by January 14. Please try to keep it within 25 words. Mail to: OITM Valentine, PO Box 177, Burling- ton VT 05402. CASSELBERRY-DuPREE rs COM- ING fora Valentine's Day concert/dance at Contois Auditorium on Saturday, February 16. Details in the next OITM. THE PRODUCTION OF "BENT" scheduled for January has been postponed indefinitely. CANCER SUPPORT GROUP for lesbi- ans now forming. Call 660-8386 for more information. WOMEN HELPING BATTERED WOMEN is offering free confidential sup- port groups for battered and formerly bat- tered women. For more information, call 658-1996. NEDNQRISLNE LESBIAN PARENTS of 2-year-old child interested in meeting other lesbian/gay parents of young children for "Sunday bmnches or other social gatherings that include children. Please call 425-4087; if no answer, leave a message. EER§QNAL TO UVM/GLBA, VGSA, AND OUT- RIGHT VERMONT: Thanks for the great party in Burlington. Keep up the good work! TRAVEL OUR GAY COUNTRY INN with 19 charming rooms, 100 scenic acres, pool, hot tub, hiking/skiing trails, yummy break- fasts, peace & privacy is your perfect vaca- tion choice year round! Highlands Inn, Box 118VT, Bethlehem NH 03574, (603) 869- 3978. Grace and Judy, Innkeepers. COL RS 20 Elliot Street Get in the Picture! Photographs and Artwork Needed for OIT M A Nightclub of Distinction (802) 254-8646 Brattleboro, Vennont Downstairs in the old church ’rKXXKXKXKKKKXXXKKKKXXXXXKXZXXXXXXKKIXKXXX KXXKXXKXXXXXKXXXZKKX OI Safe, Sexy, and SANE! Do you want to host Cl party in your home? Call 863-2437 in Chittenden County 1-800-649-2437 for Washington, Addison. and Rutlond counties. Sponsored by Vermont C.A.R.E.S. ktIKXXIII‘IXKKKIXXXXKXKKKXKXXXKXXXXKXXXXX ‘ii KZIZKIKZXIXXIKKXZKIKK J. 22