by F. Dane Warden R.F.D. #1, Homophobic, VT 05819 was where I was born and reared, and if you check a map, you'll see that it's so remote that a drive to Burlington leads the t:raveler to inquire what the exchange rate is. For those of us who occasionally la- ment having "missed the train," please know that many of us living outside of "The Queen City" didn't even know there WAS a train. In other words, I was 37 before I was made aware that there was a gay bar within the confines of the Vermont borders. I hope you can grasp the significance of the "culture shock" involved in trading in a slop bucket for a silver dildo. The differ- ence can be equated to Mark Twain's obser- vation that there is a considerable differ- ence between lightning andalightning bug. Determined to BE GAY, I "took the bull by the horns" as it were and did what was for me a bold and courageous step toward that end. I placed what was to be the very first gay ad in the very first edition of the Burlington Free Press's "Personals," Have a How|in' Good Time as OUT IN THE MOUNTAINS celebrates its FIFTH ANNIVERSARY with VIRGINIA AND THE WOLVES at PEARLS -“IV -