January 1991 The Origin of the Lambda Symbol Lambda, the eleventh lower-case let- ter of the Greek alphabet and modem-day symbol of the gay community, is the fore- runner of our letter "L." Originally, the letter was a picture symbol for the scales often seen being carried by the figure of Justice. As time passed, the lambda bore less a visual resemblance to scales, and its meaning has become more their existence as a free and equal people. As Rome rose to power and conquered the then-known world, the Romans took many things of value from Greek culture. Among these was the lambda. Owing to the fact that the Romans saw the overall shape of the lambda as suggestive of a flame, it was used as the symbol for "lambas," the Latin word for torch. abstract in that it came to represent the concept or quality of balance. The ancient Greeks be- lieved that balance was a reconciliation between two opposities, and as such was not a stable state but one needing continuous adjust- ment. Due to the influence of Greek philosophy, the In modern times, sci- entists seeking a symbol for the wavelength of light drew on the historical past. Because of its connection with the torch, the lambda was chosen. In the 1960's, when the quest for gay liberation emerged as an organized movement after the Stone- wall riots, the lambda was lambda symbol has emerged as it appears in its modem-day form. The small hook was added to the base of the letter for two reasons: to indicate that some form of action was necessary to bring about a state of equilibrium, and to indicate that constant action was necessary to main- tain that state once it was achieved. The ancient Spartans adopted the lambda as a symbol of their unity. It signi- tied the special balance which they felt must exist between an individual and the State. They wore it on their shields like a logo and believed that the demands of society should never interfere with each person's right to be totally free and inde- pendent. The Spartans also thought that each individual must be bound to society only by individual choice and desire. Still, each Spartan recognized that only in a common bond could they hope to preserve selected as a symbol be- cause of its historical associations. Previously symbolizing justice, bal- ance and the reconciliation of opposites; unity and the relationship of the individual to society; and the light of the torch - the lambda was seen to possess those qualities which best represented the objectives of the budding gay and lesbian movement. As ac- ceptance of the lambda became more wide- spread and its popularity grew, use of the symbol became commonplace across the United States. The lambda's most recent historical . association - with light - began to take on a new, more social association. As a symbol of freedom for gay men and lesbians, the lambda has come to represent the light of knowledge. It promises hope for a new future with dignity for gay men and lesbi- ans everywhere. ta i 17 0°“ BOARDING _ 6) GROOMING . TRAINING Animal Inn Carol Skon Claudia Cook R.D.l Box 1980 Fairfax,Vt.O5454 802-524-4574 Today, the lambdais recognized as a unique international symbol for gay and lesbian rights, for justice and enlighten- ment, as well as for a needed balance in acceptance of differences by and within all humanity. W W W ‘Te[[9’our Loved One 9’ou Care... Mzce a free nwssage in tfic special "Va[¢ntin¢s' Section «J tfie fcfimary Out in tfia flllountains Cflzssifietf Section! VXOX Sufimit your most liming entry (no more than 2514/onir, pfeasz) fiyjanuary 14 to: OHM ’Va[entin¢.s greeting T0 flax 1 77 flurfington ‘l/I05402 VXOX {Please incfiafe your name, address, amfpfione numfier (tfiey willnot 13¢ printed or released in any way) for verification. J INNKEEPERS: Peter and Ron Surroundings Cg/zwooal (manor Lower Waterford Rd., E. Barnet, Vermont 05821 (802) 633-4047 13