Burlington P-FLAG Group Meets The Burlington area P-FLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians And Gays) which has been fomiing over the last year is pres- ently meeting at the office of OUTRIGHT New Ground 4' W0 VERMONT on the second Sunday of every month from 2:00 to 4:00. Gary Ireland, whose motivation has helped in forming this group, has described the Burlington P-FLAG as a place for sup- port, education, and outreach for parents and friends of lesbians and gays. .\>~x9<2'n»6- rkshops In fonning this group, the original members knew personally the importance for such support for family members of lesbians and gays. Two other P-FLAG groups exist in Vermont — one in Rutland and the other in Manchester. The Burlington group's most recent meeting on December 9th was at- ix MO, I HAVE amen ‘me efiruxe cohtursor wt Bamouamxrnsnrxovaz . ‘I’. 4 l ‘ ' o 37-? MWMY4 I How R0~w~l1'IL! VH1 i?ovl"f7oU Ger 3 an ill ’ Dykes to Watch Out For ’ B IE‘.-M Lrwr IT uunua, muuer? or-N nus! we NEVERLJVED IN at la? M Adcagnr ml» or Low moss Lmr, sttecwc COTTIN BAWTNG WHICH! 21-37:’! 5 \..,,- - 1!; , v " ‘“'."“‘\I ._ I. May, A mes, FIRM Form BEATS AWBUT ow sausmua; 0; >ouP. sgou H3’ 069. msr wear ‘rmerflskl by Alison Bechdel tended by ten men and women who came to share their experiences, support each other in combatting homophobia, and offer moments to laugh together. The groups expects to see a continued growth of mem- bers and may move to a larger meet- ing space in the future. The next meeting of the Burl- ington P-FLAG will be on January 13th at OUTRIGHT VERMONT, 30 Elmwood Avenue. Anyone interested in finding out more can call Lil at 8634285 or write to P-FLAG c/o Becky Strader, Christ Church Presbyterian, Red- stone Campus, Burlington VT 05401. Information can also be ob- tained through OUTRIGHT VER- MONT at 865-9677. Reconcilinglcon rega- tion Works opO ered Gay and lesbian United Meth- odists from throughout northern and central Vermont are invited to participate in a worksop focusing on what it means to be a Reconciling Congregation. The workshop will also address how to be open to and struggle with the issues that gays and lesbians face in our society and in our churches. Reverend Bill Neil of the Mid- dlebury United Methodist Church and Bill Lippert, Executive Director of the Counseling Service of Ad- dison County, will co-lead the workshop. The meeting will take place on Saturday, January 26, from 9:30 a.m. until noon at the Wesley United Methodist Church, 56 S. Main Street, Waterbury, Vermont. The workshop is open to any and all interested people; one need notbe gay, lesbian, oraMethodist to attend. For more information call Reverend Neil at 388-2510.