December 1990 1 WORLD AIDS DAY Dance at the University of Vermont, sponsored by UVM-GLBA, OUTRIGHT VERMONT, and Vermont Gay Social Alternatives. All age groups welcome; alcohol-free, drug-free environment. 8:00 p.m. at the North Lounge in Billings Cen- ter, UVM campus. Cover charge. 2 Women of the Wood's Third Annual Tacky, Tacky, Tacky Christmas Party in Williamstown, 2:00 p.m. For more infor- mation , call 229-0109. 7-9 Beginner's Ice Climbing in Tuckerman's Ravine with Stonewall Climbers and the Chiltem Mountain Club. Call Vince at (617) 623-1027 for more information. 8 "Transforming the Political into the Spiritual and the Spiritual into the Po- litical," a discussion with Arinna Weis- man, resident teacher at Insight Meditation Society. Sponsored by Brattleboro Area Dykes, at the Friends Meeting House in Pumey, 2-5 :00 p.m. Donation requested. Allen Ginsberg will speak at the West Vil- lage Meeting House in Brattelboro. Tickets are $16.00 in advance; group and youth rates are available. For more information, call Box Office at (802) 254-5238. Spon- sored by Queen's Run Concerts. 12 CHANUKAH Iris Discussion in Montpelier, "Butch- Femme, etal.: The Role of Roles in Lesbian Relationships." For more information, call 229-6202. 14 W.O.W. Dinner at the August Lion in Randolph at 7:00 p.m. Call 229-0109 for more info and to make reservations. 15 Holiday Party sponsored by the Vermont Coalition for Lesbians and Gay Men at the German Club, 20 Crowley Street, Burling- ton. Admission $8-$12. 21-22 W.O.W. trip to New York to see "The Messiah." Call 229-0109 for more infor- mation. 22 OITM "Stocking"-Stuffer Party. Come help us put the latest issue in sealed plain brown stockings and send them off to all the good little gay boys and lesbian girls around the State. Red suit optional. 10:00 a.m. at "The Office," 30 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington. Following that, we'll really find out who's been naugty and who's been nice at the OITM Holiday Party at Katliie's house up north. Transportation can be arranged at the morning meeting. New volunteers are welcome to help us celebrate the solstice, Chanukah, Christ- mas, and whatever other occasion needs celebrating at this time of year. A general meeting will also occur somewhere amidst all this festivity. 25 CHRISTMAS 26 Mid-Holiday Support Night and Gift Show-and-Tell, Sponsored by Iris in Montpelier. Call 229-6202 for more infor- mation. 28-30 Ice Climbing in Huntington Ravine NH with the Stonewall Climbers and the Chil- tern Mountain Club. Call Mark at (617) 288-6419 for more information. 31 NEW YEAR'S EVE FIRST NIGHT in Burlington, all night. Gayla New Year's Eve Dance sponsored by the Brattleboro Area Dykes (B.A.D.) at the Brattleboro School of Dance, 8:30- 12:30 p.m. Admission is $4-$7. For more information, call Ashli at 387-5507 or Betsy at 257-9355. W.O.W. New Year's Eve Party in Worc- ester. 8:00 p.m. Call 229-0109 for more information. QNfi_Q.N£?. SW Chapter of PFLAG meets the first Sunday of every month at 2:00 p.m. in the Manchester Congregational Church. Brattleboro AIDS Project Support Groups: I-IIV+ Biweekly group. Call Mi- chael at 254-8263 or 254-4444. Metropolitan Community Church, 2 meetings every Sunday. For meeting place and time, call 888-2011. Family and Partners Biweekly Group. Call Marty at 254-8774. Support Group for HIV+ and People withAIDS,2ndand4thMondaysat7:30in St. Johnsbury. Call 1-800-622-4122 or 748-3391. Sponsored by ACAP. Gay and Lesbian Double Anonymity group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets Fridays from 5:30 - 6:30 at the Methodist Church in Rutland, 71 Williams Street Northeast Kingdom AIDS Support Groups in Hardwick and Newport. Call the NE AIDS Coalition at (802) 472-6291. m by Carla Iris is the new lesbian resource group in central Vermont. We meet from 6-8:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month in Montpelier. After a slow start during the summer months, Iris has had an influx of enthusias- tic wimmin and has turned out to be Woman Centered's fastest growing group. Popular events to date have included dis- cussions on coming out and Vermont re- sources for lesbians, a lesbian book night, and a Halloween potluck. The average at- tendance is six wimmin, which makes for a comfortable atmosphere in which to share. In addition to the Wednesday night meetings, many Iris wimmin get togetherto attend social events, work on their cars, share support, go to the movies - you name it! Upcoming events are listed in the Calen- dar, and new ideas are always welcome. For more infonnation, call Woman Centered at 229-6202 or write Iris, 137 Barre Street, Montpelier VT. 0. 23