Out in the Mountains Are your car insurance rates driving you up the wall? Compare Allstate rates. Ellen Hetherington 863-3808 Allstate Allstate Insurance Company. Northbrook, IL (fivmpreviouspage) from the evidence of the book, there have been plenty of short-term involvements. With the exception of her father, the main characters in Holly's life are all still alive, and she is reluctant to say negative things about them. Because of her concerns about protecting privacy, when she talks about other people, she often does so in passing and sounds like she's name—drop- ping. The book also has some structural problems, stemming mainly from the fact thatatage41,sheisperhapstooyoungtobe writing her autobiography. Holly is still in the middle of living her life, still doing the same work she did before she wrote the book. The climax of the book is her break- down and subsequent recovery. She begins with it, then traces the steps leading to it. The book continues for 60 pages beyond the breakdown, telling much the same sto- ries of tours and travels and people encoun- tered that she has told throughout, but with- out the dramatic tension provided by the foreshadowing of abreakdown. There is no natural conclusion to the story other than stopping because she'd reached the point of describing what happened yesterday. Although Holly Near has struggled, she has also triumphed. Her life exempli- fies the rewards that come from using your gifts in the service of your beliefs, of forc- ing the world to meet you on your own terms. There is much in this admirable life for all of us to learn from. When you live according to your principles, the world moves forward just a bit. This is evident when Holly talks about the impact of women's music and her great pride in being part of that movement: "Society at large may never know much about this creative explosion of feminist music. Major magazines, even Ms. for the most part, ignored it. Main- stream newspapers wrote about it, but rarely did they herald its historical importance...It was dismissed or ‘over- looked’ by those who were threatened by outspoken and independent women. But women's music liberated thousands of women, as well as men and families, from traditional roles and ideas. This was a movement and a music that...would influ- ence the mainstream's image of women...'I'his was a music that would be the soundtrack to women falling in love, breaking up, and coping with or enjoying their aloneness. This was music that, be- cause it was dominated by white middle- class women with good intentions and very little experience, would have to face the challenges of racism and class discrimina- tion. Not every woman who sings from a strong, insightful perspective on Top 40. radio knows today that some record execu- tive once told me twenty years ago thatl couldn't make it as a pop star becausel had no ‘element of submission‘ in my voice." Caller ID Blocking Available Caller ID is a new service which, with the assistance of a unit attached to the telephone line, allows people to see the phone number of someone calling before the call is answered. In theory, it's a good way to screen calls, allowing service sub- scribers to take calls from friends and rela- tives and leave telemarketers to gnash their teeth as the line just rings and rings. Members of the gay and lesbian com- munities, however, expressed concern over the device, adding their voices to other groups which worked with at-risk or fre- quently hanassed peoples. Without some way of blocking the Caller ID option, these groups explained, services such as anony- mous support lines and telephone referral systems come with added risks attached and threaten the privacy of potential call- ers. In response, New England telephone has developed a system whereby the Caller ID system can be blocked. Notices detail- ing the procedure were included with sub- scribers’ recent phone bills. To prevent your phone number from being seen and possibly recorded by some- one you are about to call, first dial 1 167 (on a rotary phone) or punch in "67 (on a touchtone phone), then continue with the rest of the number. Members of the gay and lesbian com- munity should remain aware of this option. particularly when responding to advertise- ments aimed at a homosexual audience. As with sex, these days it's better to be safe than sorry. 20