Right-wing religious and political leaders who wave the banner of "traditional family values" are a major impediment to overcoming the teen suicide problem, ac- cording to a parent-church-educator coali- tion that recently announced a prevention program focused on gay and lesbian youth. The project, "Respect All Youth," is being undertaken by the Federation of P- FLAG, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, with financial assistance from the United Thank Offering Fund of the Episcopal Church. The principal function of the project will be to develop and furnish training materials to those who work with youth, according to Paulette Goodman, President of Parents FLAG. The organization's anti- discrimination efforts were endorsed by First Lady Barbara Bush earlier in the year. Govennental studies show that lesbian and gay teenagers are up to three times as likely to attempt suicide as other young people because of the stigma society places on them. Nevertheless, Congressman Wil- liam Dannemeyer (R-CA) recently pre- vailed upon Louis Sullivan, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to disavow the studies in the inter- est of "traditional family values." "We in Parents FLAG love and respect our gay and nongay children equally," Goodman said. "We value the lives of all our children. It is tragic that many of us only learn of our child's homosexuality after a suicide attempt. ”One of the lessons learned in World War II is that it is evil to discriminate against any human being and to think that lives are expendable. America, land of the free, is no place for the bigotry and intoler- ance that perpetuate hatred and violence. "Parents FLAG values the lives of all P-FLAG/Church Partnership Addresses Suicide Problem children. We strive to keep families in loving relationships. The conservative right wing does not have a monopoly on traditional family values." Goodman said the project will alert youth counselors, school administrators, and church educators of what needs to be done to "counteract the devastating effect of society's anti-gay attitudes toward our children." Speaking strongly in support of the Parents FLAG announcement were the Right Reverend Oliver Bailey Garver, Jr., Suffragen Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles; and Jackie Goldberg, President of the Los Angeles City School Board. Goldberg's district undertook the first program in the nation to initiate coun- seling for gay and lesbian high school stu- dents. Also endorsing the program were Vir- ginia Uribe, Director of Project 10; and December 1990 Mary Griffith, a mother whose son died because of her earlier misguided religious beliefs and lack of information. Griffith, a Northern Californian mother of four, said that her gay son, at her urging, resorted to prayer and "reparative" therapy with reli- gious counselors in the vain attempt to become heterosexual. At the age of 20, convinced that he was evil in the eyes of God, he threw himself off an overpass and into the path of an 18-wheel semi-trailer- It would not have happened, she is now convinced, if there had been programs at school and elsewhere that "could have off- set what he was told by me at home and by others in our church." Griffith is now President of the Mount Diablo, California, chapter of Parents FLAG. Her object, she said, is to help other parents avoid the tragedy that befell her family. The "Respect All Youth" program is a positive step toward that goal. OUTRIGHT Names New Co-Coordinator OUTRIGHT VERMONT, an organi- zation dedicated to the needs and issues facing gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth in the state, recently announced the hiring of Lynn Goyette as Administrative Coordina- tor. Lynn will serve as Co-Coordinator with Josie Juhasz. Together, the coordina- tors will share the responsibilities of organ- izational management and direct services. Lynn comes to OUTRIGHT with an extensive background in business, educa- tion, administration, and counseling. She is also committed to fostering social change which will enable young people to experi- ence themselves without oppression. This new position has been made pos- sible through funding support from the ATTORNEY AT LAW lloff, Agel, Curtis, Padit & Cassidy, RC. 100 MAIN STREET PO. BOX 247 BURLINGTON. VT 05402-0247 David W. Curtis Office of Drug and Alcohol Prevention. The financial assistance will allow the organization to initiate long overdue serv- ices in other areas of the state. OUTRIGHT has also recently re- ceived a donation of over $1 100 worth of books to their library. They are asking for volunteers to build or donate bookshelves and to catalogue the new titles. A committee has also been formed to plan monthly chem-free events for OUT- RIGHT members and the community at large. Anyone interested in helping should contact OU'I'RIGHT's office. Volunteers are still needed to staff the OUTRIGHT Hotline, which should be in operation early next year. Training will begin sometime in January. Rm. 3E 802-864-4531 Lynn Goyette, M.S.Ed., M.A.C.P. is pleased to announce the opening of her Psychotherapy Practice Individuals, Couples, Groups Richardson Place 860-6360 2 Church Street Burlington, Vt.