Out in thellfountains affirmed and so versed in dealing with aggression based on who I am (not who I "choose to be," as later stated by the staff), my progress would have not just come to a screeching halt (as it did), but I would have been set back to the point of suicidality. How can these people say that their "mental health unit" is a safe place for everyone when they clearly mean that it is safe for every heterosexual? It will take more than a three hour or so workshop on gay sensitivity/gay issues to make these people understand that everyone needs and deserves a safe place, especially in times of such crises. Serena D. Dickson Shelbume, Vermont Dear OIT M : Thanks for existing and for distribut- ing your newspaper through drop-spots as well as subscriptions. I had been mulling over a number of questions/doubts about my sexual orientation for several months when I happened to see a stack of OITM in the health food store. I hesitated briefly, then quickly (and I hope unobtrusively) stuffed one in my bag. That was back in September, and I think I'm ready to subscribe now. The October issue is probably respon- sible for my decision to drop you folks a line and a check. The different articles about people coming out, National Coming Out Day (I never would have guessed there would be a day for it!), and the "Coming Out: Steps. You Can Take" article pushed me a little farther along in my journey to redefine myself. Right now I'm still work- ing on telling my cat and myself that I'ma lesbian, so the other steps will have to wait for a bit. In the meantime, I'll eagerly await the good and not-so—good news in each OIT M. Thanks again for being there! Sincerely, Jennifer Dear OITM: Thank you for the November OITM cover article of the Philip Monis/Bill of Rights action. It was an exciting day that saw the birth of AC1‘ UP/V T (Aids Coali- tion to Unleash Power). We are a non-partisan group of people distressed by lack of worldlnationallstatel local attention being paid to the AIDS cri- sis. It is our intention to bring the crisis to the forefront of community concern and discussion where it belongs. AIDS is a terrifying social problem, but we must not allow the fear to paralyze us from action. It is all too clear that the national and state governments do not consider the communities ravaged by AIDS (gay men, people of color, women, children, and IV drug users) of enough importance to appropriately fund AIDS education, prevention, and relief. We will (continued on next page) | By subscribing now to OITM, not only will you guarantee delivery to your mailbox | I (in a discreet envelope, of course), but you will also help undenrvrite the rising | costs of publishing the newspaper. We also welcome any additional contribu- I tions you can make to support our continuing existence. Checks should be made I I payable to OITM and sent, along with this form, to: OITM, P.O. Box 177,| Burlington, Vermont 05402. Name Address __ One-year ($20) _ Low-income ($10) __ Donation ($_?__) I Donations are especially welcome from those who prefer to pick up OITM at I one of the paper's distribution points rather than be added to the mailing list. I L__Please also let us know if you'd like to get involved in the newspaper. J