9 JL ‘.O§£|5{=’5“ November 1990 3 Halloween Masquerade Party of the Amelia Earheart Underground Flying So- ciety at Spooner's at the Owl's Nest, Leba- non, NH., 9:00 p.m. For more info, write PO Box 746, Lebanon NH 03766. Halloween Dance, sponsored by the Brat- tleboro Area Dykes (B .A.D.) as part of the 1990-91 Lesbian Forum. Creative cos- tumes encouraged. At the Brattleboro School of Dance, 8:30 p.m. Tickets $4 - $7. Workshop on Women's Anti-Ablism: Building an Accessible Community from 1-5:00 p.m. at the Manor, Courtside, God- dard College, Plainfield. For more info, call 748-1410. 4 "Coming Back: Gay and Lesbian Alumni Return to Middlebury," a panel! discussion, 2:00 p.m., Upper Proctor Hall, Middlebury College, Middlebury. Holly Near in concert at the Barre Opera House, Barre, 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $16.00 in advance. Sponsored by Queen's Run Concerts. Tickets available at Peace and Justice Center in Burlington, Buch Spieler in Montpelier, Folk in Hanover NH, and Everyone's Books in Brattleboro or call Box Office at 802-254-5238. 6 ELECTION DAY Victory Party for Howard Russell, 8- 12:00 p.m., Pearls Bar, Burlington. Help Howdy cross the finish line on his rim for the Vermont State Senate. 10 Ethnic Potluck Dinner for Women of the Woods (W .O.W.) in Huntington, 5:00 p.m. Call 229-0109 for more information on this and other W.O.W. events listed below. 14 "Harriet Hatfield" Night in Plainfield with W.O.W., 6: 30 p.m. A discussion of the May Sarton book. OUTRIGHT Vermont meeting at the office at 30 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington, at 7:00 p.m. 17 Cris Williamson and Tret Fure in concert at Contois Auditorium in Burlington, 7:00 p.m. Tickets $15.00 in advance. Sponsored by Queen's Run Concerts. Tickets avail- able at Peace and Justice Center in Burling- ton, Buch Spieler in Montpelier, Folk in Hanover NH, and Everyone's Books in l532r§gtleboro or call Box Office at 802-254- "Recognizing and Unlearning Racism" workshop with Tia Cross, sponsored by B.A.D. (Brattleboro Area Dykes), 10-5:00 pm., $20-$40. Pre-registration required; call JD at (802) 257-5150 for more details. 18 Ferron in concert at Montpelier City Hall, Montpelier, 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $16.00 in advance. Sponsored by Queen's Run Con- certs. Tickets available at Peace and Justice Center in Burlington, Buch Spieler in Montpelier, Folk in Hanover NH, and Everyone's Books in Brattleboro or call Box Office at 802-254-5238. W.O.W. Brunch and Plaming Session in Worcester at 10:30 a.m. 22 THANKSGIVING 28 W.O.W. Potluck Movie Night; meet at Julio's for dinner at 5:00 p.m., movie to follow. "fj Q . . '::_’:; §3=VDECE M B E 1 OITM Envelope Power-Stuffing Party at the office, 30 Elmwood Avenue, Burling- ton, 10:00 a.m. Come find out what the staff looks like after a Friday night on the town. Newcomers always MORE than welcome to come and help out. Join us for a power lunch afterwards, then it's time for a high- powered... OITM General Meeting at 1:00 p.m. in the same room we trashed earlier with la- bels, boxes, envelopes, and the latest edi- tion of the paper. Call 388-6503 for more infomiation. DEC 2 W.O.W.'s Third Annual Tacky, Tacky, Tacky Christmas Party in Williamstown, 2:00 p.m. 8 Allen Ginsberg will appear at the West Village Meeting House in Brattleboro. Tickets are $16.00 in advance; group and youth rates available. For more informa- - tion, call Box Office at 802-254-5238. Sponsored by Queen's Run Concerts. SW Chapter of PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) meets the first Sunday of every month at 2:00 p.m. in the Manchester Congregational Church (across from Equinox House). Brattleboro AIDS Project Support Groups: HIV+ Biweekly group. Call Mi- chael at 254-8263 or 254-4444. Metropolitan Community Church, meetings every Sunday. For meeting place and time, call 888-2011. Family and Partners Biweekly Group. Call Marty at 254-8774. 0 Support Group for HIV+ and People withAIDS,2ndand4thMondaysat7:30in St. Johnsbury. Call 1-800-622-4122 or 748-3391. Sponsored by ACAP (AIDS Community Awareness Project). Gay and Lesbian Double Anonymity group of Alcoholics Anonymous meets Fridays from 5:30 - 6:30 at the Methodist Church in Rutland, 71 Williams Street. Northeast Kingdom AIDS Support Groups in Hardwick and Newport. Call the Northeast AIDS Coalition at (802) 472- 6291. IRIS is a central Vermont Lesbian support group which meets Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8:30 in Montpelier. For more information, call 229-6202. 19