Private Lives/Social Change (continuedfrompage9) a general expectation that Craig would come to the wedding. The invitation came addressed to both of us (as have invitations to weddings from co-workers). He had been to the engagement party. But Craig chose not to go. He tried to explain why he would not enjoy the day. There are many reasons why it would have been painful. Many of my relatives, while well-inten- tioned, would have said things which would have angered him. He would have spent the entire day explaining who he was. He would have been under the magnifying glass of family examination. He would have spent the day showing everyone that our relationship is every bit as valid as my sister's. And after ten years, that wears very thin. The process of coming out takes one from one's own self to family and friends and eventually to a public presence (those two nice boys in the old farmhouse with the beautiful gardens). There is a widening circle of openness from the individual out to the larger society. There is a different series of transfor- mations which the larger society goes through, beginning with an awareness of our existence (for better or worse), to a tolerance for our presence, to an acceptance of us as members of the human species, to an appreciation of the special contributions we make, to an enjoyment and celebration of our differences. This circle begins with the protection of relations among strangers and proceeds through increasing degrees of familiarity to neighbors and co-workers, until finally defining family itself. There is still a need to have our rela- tionships accepted as the social building blocks that they are and to extend to our partners the benefits of a legal marriage. I BOARDING - GROOMING would really like to have Craig included under my health insurance policy. It doesn't need to be called a marriage. The current jargon is domestic partners. (As a footnote, when a domestic partner ordinance was passed in Seattle, over 80 percent of the people registering were heterosexual. Think about that.) Only when our relationships bear an official stamp of approval will it be pos- sible to answer the hate and fear with a positive alternative. A Hate Crimes law and Civil Rights legislation may provide some protection, but those laws tell people what not to do. A domestic partner law would enable us to take a big step forward. This is not to say that all gay and lesbian people want to be in a sanctioned, primary, penna- nent relationship, but many of us do and, to some extent, are. November 1990 Which brings me back to families, from that which we are born into to those which we create. Human beings are social creatures. Our families are our strongest al- lies. I thank mine, though not often enough, for the support they have given me and Craig. I urge them to take stronger stands on my behalf. Though most of the time we talk about the weather, our jobs, and our homes, underneath it all we are still talking about our love for each other. When I last went back home, I gave my mother, my father, and both my sisters gift subscriptions to Out in the Mountains. Maybe they will pick up some of the details of our lives and see the ways in which we are similar and the ways in which we are different. The initial reviews have been positive. Let's see if they renew on their own next year. __ i: We feelit is essential that we carry on with ' ' of otir"readers'canno't‘afford subscriptions and/or_car'mot’ have the magazine mailed to them at their home addresses; ;;§;I ' ‘ . aWaI‘eIiessg‘of events in the southern and Ag eastern parts of the state as well," and we ask that readers p_lea§_e_contact us within- ” fdrrnajtion or (even better) articles about . whats happening out there. Lilclewise, we 4 L, V A, 1 for distribution points in those .. : ~ , ,. , . _ , ,, ,"g‘if'yQl,1 I JET I A_IS_We expandjwe find ourselves be- h3V5h"‘3If53d¥:.’.Whi1§:'iF i$.Wé.=}1‘a‘ 313.: ‘ “ ws'paper'is‘ava1lab" ' Vierrée or'cnjarjgeata’., i3f‘!!¥ihb?*“°f 1‘f?.¢¥‘i‘ionsiif§’iV‘Vf§°.‘d_e‘PI<=f"3-911. Sub“ fled survival of rhe"i>”ar>er:. free distribution, particularly since‘ some There is a great need to increase‘ if youiknow of any, please let us coming‘ swamped with work. More than, e'ver’,'your'input is needed forthe contin.‘ TRAINING 802-524-4574 CLAUDIA COOK ANIMAL INN p RD #1, BOX 1980, FAIRFAX, VT 05454 CAROL SKON IN N KE E PE RS: Peter and Ron Surroundings gnwooj (manor Lower Waterford Rd., E. Barnet, Vermont 05821 (802) 633-4047 0. 13