November 1990 When Jesus told his disciples that to follow him meant taking up a cross, he wasn't kidding, believe me. As a Christian lesbian, I get it from all sides. There are those Christians who be- lieve that we are Satan's children or worse. Then there are the so-called "ex-gays" who believe that to be a good Christian is to be straight. Most mainstream churches are still at odds as to whether gays and lesbians should be accepted into their denomina- tions, especially as ministers, despite gay and lesbian causes affiliated with many of them. My fellow gays and lesbians tend to be antagonistic toward religion (which, unfor- tunately, is at times justified). Given these circumstances, how could gay or lesbian Christians experience their faith in an af- firmative setting? How could they experi- ence it in a way that is meaningful in their lives? Those very questions are dealt with in a new book by Chris Glaser called Come ARANOFF /\'l"'I‘<),l