torical, that the play treats extreme human conditions in a universal manner. As finances for the production are tight, donations of cost:umes,_ props, and money are being sought. Anyone interested in helping out is encouraged to call Susan Wuellenweber at 660-9304. Middlebury Colle e to Host Gay Alumni anel Middlebury College will be welcom- ing back a number of its gay and lesbian alumni in order to present a panel discus- sion entitled "Coming Back: Gay and Les- bian Alumni Retum to Middlebury." The panel will take place in Upper Proctor Lounge at the College at 2:00 on Sunday, November 4, and is open to the public. Following presentations by panel members, the audience will have a chance to break into smaller groups, which will address a number of topics ranging from coming outatcollege to looking for work as an "out" gay man or lesbian. Included among the presenters are an educational administrator from Goddard College, a graduate student from New York City whose dissertation focuses on the gay rights movement, and the author of Easing the Ache, a book on sexual addiction. Rolling Stone Covers Bennington Harrassment Scandal In their recent "College Special" issue, Rolling Stone magazine offered up a fea- ture story on a sexual harrassment case at Bennington College. The article, penned by noted author Bret Easton Ellis, concemed Leroy Logan, who was a tenured Professor in the Drama l)ivision. Logan was relieved of his teach- mg duties this past spring following charges that he sexually harrassed a male student at a dinner party last fall. Logan, who is supported by several witnesses in denying all charges, has subse- quently led a campaign to have the case reconsidered. In his defense he has submit- tedpolygraph tests, psychological exami- nation results, and legal documents, all to no immediate avail. Students and faculty alike at the school continue to work to have the case reopened and have already forwarded a petition to the administration. U n (fromprevious page) Ice Climbing Dates Set For those of us who refuse to hibernate during the cold winter months ahead, the Stonewall Climbers, a group of gay and lesbian mountaineers, have scheduled a number of outdoor excursions over the coming months with the Chiltem Mountain Club, shedules trips on the East Coast. The first trip will be a beginner's ice climbing trip in Tuckerman's Ravine in New Hampshire on the weekend of Decem- ber 7-9. Participants should have some experience in rock climbing; some equip- ment is also necessary. On the weekend of December 28-30 the group will head for Huntington Ravine in New Hampshire, which promises long A A A A . A . . . . . A . A A . A . . n . No vember 1990 routes in an alpine setting. There is a pos- sibility of extending the trip, _i_f desired. To start off the New Year on a high note, the group will ascend Frankenstein Cliff, again in New Hampshire and billed as "one of the great climbing areas in New England." Previous ice climbing experi- ence is necessary. For those who like to plan well ahead, a retum trip to Huntington Ravine will occur on the weekend of February 1-3. The trip leader describes the adventure as fol- lows: "We climb, we camp, we cook, we drink Irish whiskey." Anyone interested in joining the Stonewall Climbers on any of these or future climbs is encouraged to write to the group at PO Box 445, Boston MA 02124. . . . . . . . . . . A A . . . . . . .- Partners in Recovery and Growth Inc., Therapists Erica Marks, S.A.C., A.C.H., Director Giita Clark, Associate Sherry Hunt, B.A., A.C.H., Associate Sexuality, Substance Abuse, Spirituality, Parenting, Gestalt, T.A., Hypnosis, Individuals, Couples, Families, Groups 182 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401 Sliding fee scale Phone: 865-2403 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v vrvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ziRi‘i’§”§'3ll VERMONT STATE SENATE ° Essential services for vulnerable Vermonters 0 Tax equity 0 Protecting Verrnont’s farms and environment 0 Pro-choice/Civil rights for all Vermonters VOTE NOV. 6th For Our Children, For Our Future. . . Help Broaden the Vision Paid for by Howard Russell for Senate - Maida F. Townsend, Treasurer