Out in the Mountains At the Barre Universalist Church, the Rev. Richard Forcier is leading a program entitled "The Welcoming Congregation." Designed as a ten-week program, it began on October 9th and is being held at the Church on Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. Keith Goslant from the statewide Coalition of Lesbians and Gay Men is assisting to facili- tate the meetings. The program was developed by the national Unitarian Universalist Associa- tion based on information gathered by the "Common Vision Planning Committee." The committee was set up in 1987 to study how gay men, lesbians and bisexuals felt in their Unitarian Universalist congregations. The committee concluded that many gay men, lesbians and' bisexuals either found it necessary to hide this basic fact about who they were as individuals, or left the church altogether. To counter this ten- dency and to begin to break down society's traditional inclination toward exclusion and discrimination, delegates of the 1989 UU General Assembly voted to initiate the "Welcoming Congregation" program. The program is designed to affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person and to provide accurate, up-to-date infor- mation about the lives and experiences of gay men, lesbians and bisexuals, their families and their friends. It is promoted as Barre Church Initiates Gay Welcoming a safe and supportive forum to share infor- mation, begin a dialogue, discuss issues and look at the similarities as well as the differences between people. More information can be obtained by calling the Rev. Forcier at 479-0114, or Keith Goslant at 454-8552. Bent Begins Rehearsals Following open auditions in early October, the Fly By Night Players have begun rehearsals for their production of the play Bent by Martin Sherman. The show will be performed from January 16-18, 1991, at Contois Auditorium in Burlington. Bent depicts the treatment of homo- sexuals in Nazi Germany both in and out of the concentration camps. It also explores questions of pride and loyalty, particularly in situations where those qualities face in- tense adversity. Vince Sharkey, the director of the current production, explained that he chose the play in order to highlight some of the persecution currently encountered by gay and lesbian people in American society and around the world. He hopes to show that Sherman's message is not exclusively his- (continued on next page) lg)": _______ "'5 ————————— _—5’__'"'| | By subscribing now to OITM, not only will you guarantee deliveryto your mailbox I | (in a discreet envelope, of course), but you will also help undewvrite the rising | I costs of publishing the newspaper. We also welcome any additional contribu- I trons you can make to support ourcontinuing existence. Checks should be made I payable to OITM and sent, along wit | Burllngton, Vermont 05402. I I Name h this form, to: OITM, P.O. Box 177,| I | Address I I I __ One-year ($20) _ Low-income ($10) __ Donation ($_____) | Donations are especially weIcom_e from those who prefer to pick up OITM at I I one of the paper's distribution points rather than be added to the mailing list. I I __Please let us know if you'd like to get involved in the newspaper. l